This is a picture of our pup Coco on the right. The stuffed animal on the left looks almost just like her. John bought her for me when I had surgery about 9 years ago.
We took the stuffed animal that looks like Coco to the hospital after his accident so John would be comforted.
John's surgery went really well. He had surgery yesterday at 12:30. Also, he does not have to lay on his stomach !! The surgeon found out he had a Sports Bed (thanks Lee) and said since he has one of these, he can lay on his back and sides. Isn't that great? I was so happy for him.
He is at the same hospital but a different floor. He will be there for several weeks now. Here is the address for those who want to send cards.
SSM Rehab
c/o John Zimmerman
Room 201
6420 Clayton Road
St. Louis , Mo.
He really looks forward to the mail. And all of your cards have really pulled him through alot of the loneliness and sadness of this situation. Thank you all so much for your kindness and love. I will be posting a Christmas post tomorrow, but tonight I wanted to update everyone.
I stayed the night in the hospital with John last night in case he needed me, and stayed all day today. He is doing so well though. Thanks for all your prayers for him it was much appreciated. The power of prayer is strong. On a closing note, I saw a rainbow on the way home tonight from the hospital. Rainbows and butterflies have always been a personal symbol to me of hope. My heart felt so much lighter tonight, lighter than it has in a long while.
For everyone out there looking for hope tonight I am here to encourage you. Have hope friend, the Lord will see you through your difficulties. He is helping me and He will help you too.
~Love Nita~