We had to bring her in the house and bottle feed her from the time she was 2 days old.
The other puppies are 3 times bigger than her so she couldn't nurse. And the Momma didn't seem that interested in her.
I will post pictures of the other puppies in the next couple of days. They are adorable too..
But I really think Velvet is the prettiest. She has soothed our hearts so much. I have helped Elizabeth feed her in the middle of the night. Warmed bottles and kept her clean and fresh.
I can tell she is going to be a great dog.

It looks like she is smiling here doesn't it? It's because she is spoiled rotten..

I love her color! She looks like a little bear to me. A black velvety bear..

This is her at 1 day old..We really didn't think she was going to make it because she was so fragile. But she is robust now and thriving. We hold her alot. She is just precious...
John would have loved her. He was so much like me, we both loved dogs.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Today's song, Black Velvet by Alannay Myles
1st video, 1st clip