Today I thought about all the people I have met through blogging. I thought about All the ones who have loved me and had faith in me. Those who have helped me by being my friend after losing John. There have been many days after his death that I wanted to give up but then someone would send me an e-mail or a card in the mail and tell me they were thinking of me. Or they would leave me a comment.
That made the difference in giving up or holding on for another day.
And so many of you have appreciated and encouraged my writing and my photography and my attempts at making art.You will never know how much that means to me.
I never knew that people, I have never met in person could mean so much to me. But you all do.
I have been given awards all Summer that I have not posted. And I am really sorry about that. I have always felt a little funny about awards..But I have appreciated every single one I have been given. And to all of you who awarded these to me thank you! If you are not mentioned please leave a comment and I will correct it.
I got home today and had received an award from Dena from Swaddle Cottage. A beautiful art award. Dena gives of herself and she heeds Gods voice. She is a lovely woman who decorates her home like nobodies business.
And last week Colette from, A Bird in Hand gave me, I Love your Blog Award.
Colette, has helped me so much after losing John. She, also lost her husband John many years ago. She is such a beautiful soul. And she never runs out of ideas on making things. I want to be like her. And I consider her one of my mentors.
Patti, from Treasure Barn Blog awarded me with a Brillante Weblog award in July and Maija from Maigigrl.Madness awarded me with the same award about the same time as Patti. Patti has taken off in the art community since I first met her. She does amazing collages..And please say a prayer for Patti's son. He has had health problems. She would appreciate it so much.
Maija, is an amazing artist . She is getting ready to go to Paris! Isn't that cool? She has lost a ton of weight this past year and has a journal about it on her site. She also has been there for me after John's death. She lost her Mom this past year and it has been really hard on her. Maybe you could leave her a word of encouragement..
To all those who follow my site thank you for your words, thoughts, e-mails and phone calls.
I dedicate this song to you today. Have a Little Faith in Me , the clip is from the movie Benny and Joon. One of my favorite movies in the whole world. I hope you have time to listen to it. It is for you..
And I want you to know I have as much faith in you as you do in me. I want to light your path as much as you do mine.
And I want everyone who is reading this to consider these awards yours..
All of the people I have mentioned has their link on my sidebar. Please visit them if you have time. I still cannot link on my posts.