Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ten Simple Suggestions to Use in Solving Your Problems
1. Believe that for every problem there is a solution.
2. Keep calm. Tension blocks the flow of thought power. Your brain cannot operate efficiently under stress. Go at your problem easy-like.
3. Don't try to force an answer. Keep your mind relaxed so that the solution will open up and become clear.
4. Assemble all the facts impartially, impersonally, and judicially.
5. List these facts on paper. This clarifies your thinking, bringing the various elements into an orderly system. You see as well as think. The problem becomes objective, not subjective.
6. Pray about your problem, affirming that God will flash illumination into your mind.
7. Believe in and seek God's guidance ont he promise of the 73rd Psalm, " You will guide me by Your Counsel."
8. Trust in your insight and intuition.
9. Go to church and let your subconscioua work on the problem as you attune to the mood of worship. Creative spiritual thinking has amazing power to give "right " answers.
10. If you follow these steps faithfully, then the answer that develops in your mind, or comes to pass, is the right answer to your problem.
Friday, July 20, 2007

Taming of the Shrew
Ghost of Persimmon Road

Jess lives here. Who's Jess?
He was a hobo back in the 1930's.
He and another man were camping at this site one summer evening when they got into a fight. Some say it was over liquor and some say over food.
The other man murdered Jess by hitting him in the head with a huge rock.
Now when you drive down Persimmon Road late at night.You might see someone walking through the fog. A lone figure dressed a little oddly, straight out of the 30's. Don't worry Jess is just going home.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
Marcel Proust
I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and new.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
One single grateful thought raised to heaven is the most perfect prayer. -G.E. Lessing
There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.
- Celia Thaxter
1 Samuel 16:7
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
I woke up this morning thinking about how much gratitude moves a person to a new level. If we are grateful for the small ordinary acts we perform everyday it brings joy to our lives like we could never believe. I am happy I can walk and talk and move. I am happy to be alive.
I know that there are a million and a half things to worry about. But today I will be grateful.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
ATC= Twilight
ATC= Flower of God
ATC= Thoughts of A Pot
More Art Adventures At the Library
Hey, There's a Cat in My Pants!


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
And certain of what we do not see.
When everything is crumbling around us and in us, Christ is our Strength and Foundation.
Pope John Paul ll
Skill is stronger than strength.
_ W.G. Benham
To do nothing is the way to be nothing.
_Nathaniel Howe
A woman's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience
Olivier Wendall Holmes.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Pennsylvania Dutch Art
Good craft and Art books
1. Picture Sourcebook For Collage and Decoupage, Edited by Edmund V. Gillion. Jr.
2. Creating Cards with Scrapbook Embellishments, by Mary Jo McGraw
3. The Complete Book of Papercrafts , Published by Hermes House
This is an awesome book, it has over 300 projects in it!
4. The Country Diary Book of Crafts , by Annette Mitchell
This book has some beautiful graphics in it, and rag doll patterns, crochet, cross- stitch, etc.
5. New ways in Collage, by Mary Jane Mayer and Mary Webb
This is actually an older book, but it has some really neat stuff in it.
6. The Complete Book of Candles, By Gloria Nicol
I have 3 of her projects at the bottom of the page.
I hope these will inspire your creative juices to flow. They have mine. We are making the paper mache pear today. I am really excited to see how it turns out. Have a blessed day.
He reveals deep and secret things, He knows what is in the darknness and light dwells with Him.
Amos 4:13
For behold.
He who forms mountains, and creates the wind, who declares to man what his thought is.And makes the morning darkness. Who treads the high places of the earth- The Lord God of hosts is His name.
In this short life that only lasts an hour, How much, how little, Is within our power.
Emily Dickinson
It's true isn't it? We do have alot of control over most things in our lives. But little control over sudden illness, or accidents or death. But if we make the most of every minute and love those around us as much as we can we will have no regrets.
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.
Francis Bacon
All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune.
Henry David Thoreau
In the midst of winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer.
Albert Camus
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man be perfected without trials.
Danish Proverb
Thought for Day:
Plant seeds of goodness today for you may need kindness tomorrow.
If any woman needs encouragement, I have found a really good book by Stormie Omartian called,The Power of a Praying Woman. Very good book.
Have a blessed day
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Decoupage and Collage Art and Paper - mache`
He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.
Sometimes it is so scary in our society with all the things we have going on, I want to encourage you today not to be afraid.
The Power of One
When I was a kid I use to walk to school. There was an elderly woman who sat on her front porch everyday on the path that I took, whom I use to stop and talk to on the way to school and on the way home. Sometimes, to be honest, I really didn't want to but I did because I felt so sad for her.
As we were talking one day she said,"Do you know you are the only person I talk to everyday?'
"You are the only one who has even bothered to stop and talk to me. Out of all the people I see walk past my sidewalk, no one stops. I just want to thank you for stopping."
I walked home that day knowing I had made a difference in someones life.
Just by stopping and talking for a few minutes.
Monday, July 16, 2007
American Indian Monday
Psalm 119:63
The Six Mistakes of Man
1. The illusion that personal gain is made up of crushing others
2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or corrected
3. Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it
4. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences
5. Neglecting development and refinement of the mind, and not acquiring the habit of reading and study.
6. Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Thought for the day:
The mightiest works have been accomplished by men who somehow kept their ability to dream great dreams.
American Indian Monday

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Proverbs 3:5-6
" Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."
Picking Berries
Three deers came to eat berries while we were there. A momma dear and her two little fawns. They had the most extraordinary eyes, so sweet and innocent. They stood there for a minute like please leave our berries alone. ( I swear we only took enough for a cobbler. )
Then two sky blue dragonflys flew past me while I was picking , and I could have sworn they were faeries !
I have purple fingers, but I am quite happy.
By the way, has anyone ever read The Yearling? I loved that book.
Blackberry Cobbler (yum yum)

About Me

- ~Red Tin Heart~
- I love beauty, whether it is in nature, literature or art. And I love music... My day feels incomplete if I haven't had a chance to listen to some good music.. I also love beautiful souls, and kind hearts.
all rights reserved. Please do not use my original art, photos, or reprint my writing without asking me for permission. Thank You...

Made in Heaven
And for the Jewish people who live there. May God give them the strength they need to defeat their enemies.
Thrifty Miss Prissy
A Bird in the Hand
Jew Wishes {wonderful words from a beautiful soul}
Stories I Can Tell
The Feathered Nest
Treasure Barn
Annette's Place...
Whispers of Inspiration
Loved and Engraved
Robin and The Sage
—G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936); writer, critic
Whispering Hope.....(Sally)
Life or Something Like It
a time
when you believe
everything is finished.
That will be the beginning."
Louis L'Amour
Maigirlz Madness
Faith of a Single Mom
Morning Coffee
River Garden Studio
Hidden Art
Walk the Beach
Shelley's Vintage Variety
An Artist's Legacy
Life or Something Like it...
Blackberry Creek
Classic Charm
Abundant Curiosities
Holding Patterns
Joan's Journeys
A Vintage Heart
Susan Tuttle
Becoming Me
Artful Eye
My Little Cottage in the Making
French Garden House
virtue is doing it."
David Star
exert from
The Philosophy of Despair
The Quote Garden
Inspirational Quotes
George Eliot
Sharing Encouragement
The Daily Motivator
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Sepia Art Studio
Misty Mawn
Dying Mans Daily Journal
The French Nest
So why not make one?
Imagine This
Though I am surrounded by troubles, my God will preserve me against the anger of my enemies. He will clench His fist against my angry enemies! His Power will save me. The Lord will work out His plans for my life- for His faithful love endures forever.
Blog Cabin Fever
Live Juicy-Suzi Blu
Love From My Studio
Lavender Hill Studio
Can I Be Pretty in Pink
ATC Cards. com
Fiona's Heart
Joanna"s Art Journal
Our Red House
Vintage Primitives
Shabby Shac
Petticoat Junction
Mona@rch's Nature Blog
Gittin it Out of My Head!
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07/15 - 07/22
- Praise
- Lilies
- Inspiration
- Purple
- Buddy
- Taming of the Shrew
- Cosmo
- Ghost of Persimmon Road
- Inspiration
- ATC= Twilight
- ATC= Flower of God
- ATC Card= Portrait of A Poet
- ATC= Thoughts of A Pot
- More Art Adventures At the Library
- Hey, There's a Cat in My Pants!
- Inspiration
- Pennsylvania Dutch Art
- Good craft and Art books
- Inspiration
- Decoupage and Collage Art and Paper - mache`
- Inspiration
- American Indian Monday
- Inspiration
- American Indian Monday
- Inspiration
- Picking Berries
- Blackberry Cobbler (yum yum)
- ► 07/08 - 07/15 (13)
Bob Hope

How to Build a Fairy House

Minature Quilt
Janet Bolton

Quilt and Textile Artist

Miniature Quilt

Miniature Quilt

Miniature Quilt