Do you ever just want to run Away? If I ever do, I will sail away. I got this picture off the back of a Reader's Digest 21 years ago. When they still had actual art on the back.
I remember falling in love with this picture, just for the sheer serenity it brings me. Anytime I ever had to get blood drawn or have had a painful procedure done, I envision this picture. It makes the pain less painful. Or when life is being really crappy, (sorry, no other word would do) I dream of leaving and sailing . My boat would need to be bigger than this, because I would want to go all over the world. Wouldn't it be great just to pick up and take off, no worries?
The first place I would go would be Italy. I would want to buy their wonderful laces and a bunch of their terra cotta pots. What? I have a thing for terra cotta pots!
Then off to France, where the women where no pants , supposedly.( That was a joke, sorry to any French women who may be reading this right now. You have the right to remain silent or flip this screen off.) Anyway, Off to France! I would then proceed to go to all the flea and antique stores I read about all the time.
I would buy enough stuff to start an antique store of my own . My store would be painted a really pretty wine red on the inside with white lace curtains on every window. I would hang a crystal chandelier in the middle of the store, and then have small lamps in different corners for ambiance.
There would be a little bronze rooster with bells hanging down, on the front door that would clangle every time someone came in. And it would smell so good in my shop of apple pie, because there would be pies you could buy there as well. Oh well, enough dreaming for one day. *Nita*