I got this article a long time ago in a magazine.
I recently found it while going through an old journal. I thought, I am going to make one of these! I was amazed at what an awesome idea it is. I love fairies, and I know a lot of other people do to. Hope you enjoy this.
The whole article is at the bottom of the page.
oh, thank you for posting this. my daughter and i can make this together---we both love fairies. :)
thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving all those sweet comments. i am off to bookmark your lovely blog!
Oh I THOURGHLY enjoyed this article about the fairy houses. My daughter and I both love fairies her room is done nothing but fairies. We live in the country our house and our house is surrounded roses, daisies, tiger lilies and many more flowers so on warm summer night my daughter and I lay outside for hours watching for the slightest glimpse of a fairy. now after reading this article I must go build a fairy house as soon as possible!
Thank you so much for sharing this article. Remember when your not looking that is when a fairy is most likely to grant you with its presence.
Nita-- I can't wait till you make it--it is sure to be gorgeous!!!
Thank you so much for nominating me for the rockin' girl blogger..but I am confused. I don't know what to do? Get the little red tag, and put it on my blog??? I don't understand it. Sorry for my ignorance! Please tell me.
Thank you!!! Suzan
"Thank you Nita, for pointing out the pictures at the bottom of your post, for my kids. You are so sweet and thoughtful!!" Hope you are enjoying your August...already...YIKES!!! Time is just flying by...
Be sure to post a pic of your fairy house when it's done.
Nita, you are the sweetest soul!! You always leave me the kindest comments and I so appreciate you visiting my blog. I LOVE this fairy house! How wonderful that you've had it all these years and found it again. The book sounds so good and very inspirational. I feel like we all need inspiration, because the daily grind came beat you down sometimes, you know? Thank you again! xxoo, Dawn
What a neat article! It sounds like fun. I can't wait to see what you do! By the way, thanks for the nomination. It was very kind. I really like coming to visit. You have such a nice variety and it's encouraging.
i will get my dd to look at this.. its awesome, maybe she'll help me make it!
thanks for sharing
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