Fate has lead me through it... You do what you have to do.
But I have a sense to recognize that I don't know how to let you go....
I try to escape this desire... The yearning to be near you...I do what I have to do.
I don't know how to let you go...
Every moment marked with apparitions of your soul... I'm ever swiftly moving trying to escape this desire...this yearning to be near you...I do what I have to do.
But I have a sense to recognize that I don't know how to let you go..
A glowing ember burning hot burning slow...
Deep within me I'm shaken by the violence of existing only for you...
Sarah McLaughlin
This is how I feel about John... Today is rough. Thoughts of him have just been running through my mind all day.
Thoughts of him come to me at the worst possible times. Driving down the street, while at the store, doing the dishes, and mopping the floors.
The loneliest part of the day is every hour without him....
Knowing he will not be here again is a burden almost too great to bear.
But he is gone and I am here...
Days seem to be getting easier than I have the rug pulled out from beneath me. Just little things that seem to haunt me. Finding a shirt of his in my closet. Finding notes he wrote and hid in the house for me to find...
John loved Snowball bushes... He would have loved this one.
Today's song, Do What You Have to Do by Sarah McLaughlin
1st video, 1st clip