{This is a picture of John and Coco}
Coco was John's little dog..
When he first had the accident he was flown to a large hospital in a neighboring city.
After they had given him morphine to ease his pain. He asked me to go get Coco.
He said, "Nita go get Coco. Sneak her up here under your shirt or put her in your purse."
I said, "Honey I can't, they won't allow her up here right now."
"But I want her.." It still makes me cry..
I sent Elizabeth to buy a stuffed animal so he would think it was Coco. When she got back she handed me the fake puppy.
It looked very much like Coco..I handed the puppy to John and he hugged it to him, then glanced down. He said, "I may be on drugs but I am not stupid!"
When he was out of danger I began to bring Coco for visits with John. This picture is him with his first visit with her.
You can see the love on his face for her. He made me promise that I would sleep with her every night until he got home. I still do.
She is blind so I have to carry her outside to go to the bathroom and then carry her back in. Coco is 13 years old..John use to pray everyday that she would live long enough to see him home...
She is still waiting. She goes to sit by the door at 4:00p.m. every day..
Waiting for someone to show up who never will.. I am still waiting too.
It has been a sad day..I am so lost without John.
Today's song, When I Stop Dreaming
1st video, 1st clip
If you have a chance to listen to this, it is really beautiful..
It is how I feel about John.