This picture of John was taken one night before the accident.
John is doing so much better that he will probably be released in 5 weeks instead of 3 months. He is being taught how to straight cath himself and I have been shown how to do that to. It is like a regular catheter but it just empties the urine from the bladder into a container.
I am scrambling trying to get everything done before his release. I have to find someone to build a ramp, and the house has to have certain modifications, and I have to find rides back and forth to St. Louis to get more training on how to care for him during all of this. I am blind in one eye, and my eyesight is pretty bad in the other eye, and I don't trust myself driving in such heavy traffic. Plus find a doctor for Elizabeth for her problems with her jaw. During the midst of this, I have had to fight my husbands sisters because they think they know what is best for him. He only has 4 of them. 1 is actually pretty decent. I would like them all to tend to their own families and leave me alone, except if they want to be supportive. There is no money for any of this, so John's aunt and a few friends are scrambling around trying to find a way to have a fundraiser very quickly to help do the things that need to be done before he comes home. Don't get me wrong, I am happy he is coming home , but I have been totally overwhelmed by how I am going to get all of this done. ~Nita~
I have been practicing self portraits with my camera. I am not that good yet, but I am trying. I have been blind in my left eye for 3 years. I started losing site in that eye 8 years ago . They found out I had a tumor on the optic nerve. It is not cancerous but it is inoperable. I feel blessed to still have one good eye. What is unusual is that my eye that is blind moves just like the other one. And I have not noticed much of a color change. My doctor says I am really lucky because of that. One blessing to be thankful for.
The plant with the angel is a Crow's feet plant. It is a succulent. It is a piece of a plant that I have had since 8th grade. It is a really neat plant. This picture is for a friend who had never seen one. *nita*