Blogger would only let me upload this many images. I am so darn mad .
I had many more pictures I wanted to upload. These are some of the plates Mom gave me recently for my Mosaics. I love the patina of these.
And the roses..
I made a bracelet tonight for Elizabeth and I will try to get those photos on, along with the some of my other treasures I have received lately by tomorrow.
I enjoyed making the bracelet. I had a friend send me some money to use for whatever I wanted to. So I bought beads and a kit for making jewelry.
We have a really nice bead store here that specializes in jewelry making.
I went in yesterday and a nice lady taught me how to put the lobster clasp on the bracelet and the ring that you fasten it to.
I love taking the beads and arranging them until something beautiful appears. They have these little prayer boxes that you put a prayer in and leave it. It is a charm you can put on your bracelet.
I am just trying to keep my mind busy. I wake up thinking of John and go to bed thinking of him. Tonight we went to Mom's and watched Flicka
with her. I was OK until the end of the movie and that song Tim McGraw sings came on. My Little Girl. I cried so hard. It made me think of him so much. It just feels like my heart is breaking.
John use to cry when he heard that song. He always called Elizabeth his baby girl. He said he would always see her as his baby, like I do.
I miss talking to him so much. I miss his advice. So many things haunt me. How I wish I could go back in time and not let him leave for work that day. But we can't go back .
Song, My Little Girl by Tim McGraw
1st video, 1st clip