When you drive around out in the country people always wave. I like that. It gives a sense of familiarity.
I took this photo of the corn against the sky. If you click on the photo you can see the way the sun is flowing through the corn stalks and leaves. I noticed the sky was several shades of blues..

This barn has went through a transformation since last year. It was rather faded and worn looking. The owners have really done a wonderful job painting and fixing it up. I liked the flag in front of it.

I thought it was neat that I came across Sassafras Road! How cool is that?
This little Sparrow was waiting for me when I got home. Looking at me beseechingly, for seed to be put in the feeder.

Orange is a color that just makes my heart happy..It is bright and cheerful and reminds me of Summer. The Rose Moss is still blooming in my clay pots in the front yard.. I will miss them when they are gone.

I found this feather on my porch yesterday morning..I am not sure what kind it is. But i love it.
Last night as the sun was going down. I stood on the porch and sipped my tea as I and watched it slipping through the trees. I love the bright spots of light that flashed through the branches. Casting warm orange yellow rays across the sky and onto my grateful face..Is anything more glorious than watching a sunset?