I took this self portrait yesterday by the window. The sun felt like a million light bulbs shinning on my face. It was hard not to wince my eyes because of the brightness. I titled this picture thankful because I feel thankful for the good things in my life. And I am trying to stay focused on the good.
Here are a few things i am grateful for:
1. That John didn't die, but lived through his accident.
2. My children.
3. The sky when it's cloudy and grey, then I can appreciate the sun when it shines.
4. Color, I love color. The color of a Green apple, the color of a silver star in the midnight sky, the color of a lilac bush in sweet Summertime. The color of the ocean on a stormy day, the color of the trees in Spring for they are like a riot of color then.
5. Smell, the smell of an apple pie baking in the oven. Fresh laundry hanging on the clothesline. The smell of lavender and vanilla shampoo. The smell of good soap. A roast baking in the oven and fresh bread in the oven.
6. Laughter, we have to have a sense of humor to be able to make it in this life. I laugh many times when I feel like crying. There were many days this week I was down, but I am trying not to be.
These are a few things I am grateful for. I will be posting more throughout the month. What are you grateful for?
Today's song, Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy