Blogger would only let me upload this many images. I am so darn mad .
I had many more pictures I wanted to upload. These are some of the plates Mom gave me recently for my Mosaics. I love the patina of these.
And the roses..
I made a bracelet tonight for Elizabeth and I will try to get those photos on, along with the some of my other treasures I have received lately by tomorrow.
I enjoyed making the bracelet. I had a friend send me some money to use for whatever I wanted to. So I bought beads and a kit for making jewelry.
We have a really nice bead store here that specializes in jewelry making.
I went in yesterday and a nice lady taught me how to put the lobster clasp on the bracelet and the ring that you fasten it to.
I love taking the beads and arranging them until something beautiful appears. They have these little prayer boxes that you put a prayer in and leave it. It is a charm you can put on your bracelet.
I am just trying to keep my mind busy. I wake up thinking of John and go to bed thinking of him. Tonight we went to Mom's and watched Flicka
with her. I was OK until the end of the movie and that song Tim McGraw sings came on. My Little Girl. I cried so hard. It made me think of him so much. It just feels like my heart is breaking.
John use to cry when he heard that song. He always called Elizabeth his baby girl. He said he would always see her as his baby, like I do.
I miss talking to him so much. I miss his advice. So many things haunt me. How I wish I could go back in time and not let him leave for work that day. But we can't go back .
Song, My Little Girl by Tim McGraw
1st video, 1st clip
I love old dishes. The stories they tell. One of the classes offered where we took our soldering class was how to make soldered jewelry from old china chips. Very cool.
Love you,
Dadgumit sweetie!! I'm going to send you a whole box of smiles and hugs...need one? Open the box, grab a few and know you are loved...I WISH there was more I could do.......
i'd love to see some of your mosaics, nita....i have a lot of dishes saved....but have never done it.
everytime you write, i try and put myself in your shoes, and i can't imagine the pain you are having to bear.....i hope that you will, in time, find the peace and comfort you are so needing and looking for.
Wanted to send you a smile across blogland! Your bowl will be fabulous for mosaics ( a little like all of us...cracks all around...but beauty inside)...can't wait to see what you make! Hugs!!
Have a fabulous weekend!
kari & kijsa
Oh yes! Do post some pictures of your mosaics! I went through a horrible, life-changing event in my marriage two years ago. The things I went through were beyond anything I envisioned. Literally, there were days that it wasn't a matter of one DAY at a time...it was a matter of one minute at a time. And that is ok, dear one. However you make it through the day...do it. We are all sending you hugs across the miles and keeping you and your daughter close in our hearts. You have a beautiful spirit, and it will see you through this.
VB: Thank you for your words. They touched my heart very much.
I will post some mosaics when I finish one, i promise. I hope they turn out good. I have a great idea I want to try. I have made 12 inch mosiacs and mosaic picture frames but want to try something larger.
I am glad your art helped you through your hard time.
It seems like art does.
Have a good week end. xoxo nita
Amanda: I checked out the site you sent me and love it. I will look for some good books on doing that was well. Have a good week end friend. xoxo nita
Donna: You just leaving a comment means alot to me. I will take the box of smiles though. LoL
xoxo nita
Kimberly: That is so kind of you to do that. I really mean that. It is hard, the hardest thing I have ever done is lose John.
My life is completely different. Things that never bothered me before now does.
He was such a buffer in my life.I am extremely shy and it seemed like I hid behind him.
He protected me in so many ways.
I miss that.
When I finish my mosaic i will post it dear heart. love nita
Kari & Kijsa: It is true, we are all cracked in some way. LoL
I guess that is why i love that bowl. It isn't perfect. Yet it is beautiful..
I hope you have a great weekend as well.
xoxo nita
The dishes are beautiful, they have that patina of the passage of time, well-worn, beloved.
I think of you every day. xoxo
Colette: I agree, well loved and beautifully worn. I too think of you daily and hope all is well. It is rather sad here, for I spend much of my time alone. But I am trying to get used to it and keep busy. xoxo nita
Hi Nita,
I'm new to blogging, but I stumbled across yours thru another several weeks ago and have been seeing you thru this tragedy. It's funny how we seldom know the lives we're touching, but you have mine. Your pain is so raw, yet your words so beautiful. I have seen my mother thru her darkest days when we lost my Dad when I was 16 and then again a couple of years ago with the death of my stepdad. She said her therapy was keeping busy and always says if her hands are busy her mind isn't. I wish you and Elizabeth peace and comfort. Keep on those projects - it can be very healing.
Dearest Tammy,
Thank you for your kind, kind words. You are so sweet.
That is good that you helped your Mom through her grief, but I hope she helped you too.
Because Kids need that extra care as well. I try really hard to be there for Elizabeth and my boys.
I think keeping busy is healing, very true.
Thank you so much for your comments. Please come back. xoxo nita
I am think of you, and I wanted to stop by and let you know, I am praying for you
Lori Garbarino
Hugs to you Nita. Sometimes, just when things are going peacefully, something will come up. I have the hardest times when I think of him in relation to his children, and just how much they will miss out on without him.
I just wanted to stop by and say "Hello". It's good that you are being creative and now I can't wait to see your creations. I don't think I have ever seen jewelry made from china chips. Please do share when you are finished, I am so curious.
These are wonderful dishes for mosaics and looking forward to see the pics of bracelet you made for Elizabeth.
Sending hugs,smiles and prayers for your comfort.
I think of you daily.
Blessings.- Andrea
Not long time ago i borrowed Flicka from the library. It was a beautiful film, i loved the scenery.
Nita, could you send your address for me? I would like to send some faery mail for you!
sending lots of love and hugs in your way...
hey nita.. how have you been? my computer is back up and running again so now i can come by and say hi and see what your up to... hope your doing well... i've been thinking about you and your family. i love that tim mcgraw song too....
Hi Nita
That is great you are making some jewellery and mosaics.
Yes if we could go back in time. You have been through a lot. You are a lovely person and John was lucky to have you , as you have a good heart
Hello Dear Nita, the old dishes are just beautiful. I love the age in them. Keep hanging on, God is going to see you through your grief.
These dishes are gorgeous - the magic you will create with them. I can't wait to see the bracelet. Please now that I'm sending you love and (((HUGS))), and I can't wait until we get the chance to meet so that we may play with your dishes together...
Love you...
Hi Sweet Nita,
Just coming by with hugs and to let you know you're in my thougts and prayers. Your dishes are lovely and I would love to see your mosaic creations.
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