This first picture is Mom's front yard.
The second Crows and Starlings. I thought it was funny the way they were situated. It almost looks like this Crow is bawling the Starlings out for being in the feeder the same time as him. The other Crow is turned away like he is embarrassed at the rude behavior of his cohort. Me and Elizabeth laughed at this scene.

This is the limb that almost did me in. Grrr.

I thought the buds on the frozen limb were pretty, and I liked the way it looked.
John made the bottom of the bird feeder out of a cedar tree, and the top out of an old plastic bucket.
Thought for day:
Learning to live in
the present moment
is part of
the path of joy.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Today's song, The Circle Game by Joni Mitchell
1st video and 2nd clip
This song has special meaning to me. It was one of my brother's favorite songs and mine as well.
It talks about the truly important things in life. If you have time please listen to it. She is one of my all time favorite singers. I love her voice because it is not perfect, and I love her spirit. She just seems like an innocent soul.
Oh my goodness... those Ice storms come unexpectedly don't they...
did you end up losing power?
It is very nice that your parents live across the street from you so you can all look out for each other when the weather... gets bad like this...
I am still praying for you and Elizabeth to find peace without John.
Oh my what beautiful pictures...and how you describe them too. Glad it's all melted now...gosh I'm really suffering from spring fever. Hugs to you and Elizabeth.
What FUN pictures!! We, to, have a mr and mrs redbird family in our backyard. I love their coloring. And COLD...I had to put my coat back on, just looking at the other pictures!lolol...That limb would have really hurt you! Glad you're safe sweetie! hughugs
These pictures are amazing. It's been a long time since I've seen an ice storm. I lived in N.Y. and Colorado for many years so I know first hand what they are like.
It looks like the birds are unaffected by the cold and enjoying their feeder. Crows are funny they try to bully, that one looks like it's standing guard.
I love the one pic of the tree branch that looks like a double exposure but when you enlarge it you see it's replicated in ice.
Thanks for sharing these.
Sending you love, prayers and comfort.
Hello Dear Nita, I have always loved watching birds. It has always brought me pleasure. I love Cardinals and love the fact they are almost always in pairs. The male is so careful to tend to his mate.
I am so thankful you and Elizabeth laughed together at the crows. Laughter is such a great medicine for the soul. Crows are such funny creatures anyway and bosy as well. I think of the ones from cartoons,(DUMBO) such charactor's.
Please, do show us the pictures of your garden things, they sound lovely.
Love your thought for the day.
Blessings to you and Elizabeth,
Ice storms leave such a beautiful sight. I love the way the sun reflects in all the ice.
Beautiful pictures Nita and now that I have seen them, I am praying for Spring to come for you soon. We don't get this weather in So. Ca. After seeing that tree limb, I am so thankful you were not standing there when it fell. Praying for you daily to get through and I am excited to read about your preparations for your garden. I am sure John will be directing it in your heart.
Love and Hugs, Laurie in Ca.
beautiful pictures, nita....we don't get weather like that here ia arizona either....hoping you are finding comfort in all the little things.....
love and prayers,
Ice storms are such bad things! I remember when we had one about 6 years ago and we lost power for over a week. It was rough. The ice on the trees is beautiful though!
I'm so glad there was no damage to you! I love your pictures, particularly the cardinals. They are very beautiful. We have a cedar tree in front of our livingroom window. We enjoy watching birds too.
Your photographs are lovely and I love to do mosaics. They are wonderful stress relievers especially breaking the plates. Hope all is well in your part of the world. Blessings.
Mimi: They do come unexpectedly.
We did not lose our power, thank goodness. I love having my folks across the street, it is so comforting. We watch out for each other. I also have a sister who lives a block away.
Mimi thanks for praying for peace for us. I have been reading my Bible every night before bed and it seems to help me a lot. LOve nita
Rose: Thank you for the compliments! I am suffering from Spring fever as well. I want it here so bad. This Winter stuff that is hanging on is so depressing. But we may be wishing for cooler weather this Summer.
Hugs to you.. xoxo nita
Donna: You are one of the most comforting people I know, even if we have not meet in person. Maybe someday we will meet.
I hope you have a great weekend.
You with your good weather, indeed. LoL
xoxo nita
how scary was all that ice! Wonderful photos and glad your birdies had some seed to find since the ice probably made it rough for the other birds in finding food! Keep these great nature photos coming!
Andrea: Thank you for the compliment! I think the birds are affected, but I always try to put food out every day. I also put water out too.
I have seen some of the birds die from extreme cold. It makes me sad for them when it is so cold.
I am glad you liked that picture, it was one of my favorites.
I have double exposed film on purpose and it turned out really neat.
Thanks for the prayers and love and comfort. Love Nita
Shelley: I love watching the birds too. It is one of my favorite past times. You know that is one of the reasons I love cardinals too. The males do tend to the female. They
are so sweet.
Laughter is medicine to the soul isn't it? It makes you feel better. I thank God for the tiimes we can laugh.
The Crows amuse me very much. They have such funny personalities! My Grandmother had a pet Raven and split its tongue, and it talked.
She was an amazing woman, loved birds and raised them as well. I learned alot from her and Mom about birds.
I will show the pictures of my garden stuff and my other treasures I have received, probably by Saturday.
Have a great wekend Shelley. love nita
Amanda: I love the way the sun reflects in the ice too. Have a great weekend friend. love nita
Laurie: Thank you for the beautiful compliment. I thank you for praying for Spring to come to us. We need it to come soon. I am so happy I was not standing under it either. Thank you for your prayers dear heart. They mean so much.
I am excited about the garden now too. It seems like everyone helped me to see the value in doing it. I am so happy that I have meet the people I have meet through blogging.
I think John will be directing me thriough my heart too. Have a beautiful weekend. love nita
Kimberly: Thank you for the compliment! It seems like I am getting comfort from the little things. I have also been finding hobbies to do to keep my mind off so much sorrow. Thank you for your kindness.. You always have wonderful things to say. Love nIta
Manuela: The ice is so beautiful covering things, but so deadly. But you have to admire the beauty of it.
I am so thankful we did not lose our power! But people all over town did, we were lucky.
Me and Mom both had branches on our power lines but they came right away and got them off before they could do much damage.
xoxo nita
Vickie: I am glad there was no damage to me either. Thank you for the compliment on my pictures. I have a new camera and I am trying to figure it out. I have a Cedar in my front yard that I planted when it was only 12 inches tall. It is now about 12 feet tall.
I love birds, thay speak to my heart in many ways.
I just love watching how truly resourceful they are. I have birds nests in jars in my house. And it is so neat what they have used for building material for their nests.
I have one that has the downy from the inside of a cigerette butt built in in it.
Have a great weekend. love nita
Kate: I like breaking the plates myself. LoL
That is so cool that you like doing mosiacs. I am going to do some visiting to peoples's sites this weekend and will visit yours.
Thank you for your comments, they mean alot to me. xoxo nita
Mon@rch: The ice really was scary.
Thank you for the compliments on my photos! I am happy I put seed out for my birds, it is one thing that truly makes me happy to do.
I got some great Mourning Dove photos too, but had trouble down loading them.
Have a great weekend. ~nita~
These are great pictures Nita. I laughed at the crows and starlings together. You must get some wonderful photo opportunities by providing bird seed. I just love nature and I'm glad to see you enjoying it as well.
Watch out for those trees!
Joni: I really do get good opportunities by providing seed for the birds. I have seen a Red Winged Blackbird here last week, and a Red Headed Woodpecker too.
I live in an area of the country where there are more songbirds than any other area.
The crows crack me up! They have very strong personalities. But so funny.
I will watch out for those trees. LoL xoxo nita
Hi Nita
Those are lovely pictures , it looks so icy . I bet it has been very cold, its nice when the sun comes out too
take care x
Dominique: It was very icy..so icy it was scary to walk outside for fear of falling down. But it is pretty when it's like that. It looks like a fairy land. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. love nita
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