John called me tonight, and told me his mail was delivered 20 minutes after I left, and that he had received 20 cards from all over the world!! He received 10 last week.
I am so happy that people are responding, and he is so excited that there are that many people thinking of him. He said he wanted to wait until I come tomorrow to visit to open them. I am going to take some pictures of the cards and post them tomorrow.
For those concerned about him going to rehab and your cards not being delivered to him, they will forward his mail to the rehab place.
And I will post the address of the rehabilitation center that he is going to this week. Thank all of you who have sent John cards, and thanks to all who are going to send cards. It has really meant alot to us.
I have one more request tonight please pray for Elizabeth. She has came down with a bad ear infection this past week. I have taken her to the doctor once this week, but tonight she was in so much pain she was crying. I am taking her to the doctor again tomorrow if they can work her in ( I pray they can). She has missed alot of school because of John's accident, because he was in such critical condition we wanted to stay with him to make sure he was out of the woods before we went home. I am so overwhelmed with all of this. I am trying so hard to be strong but I am feeling weak. Please pray for us. *love nita*
Nita, I was with John when the cards were delivered and thought you would like to know how super excited he was! I showed him every card and told him where it was from. That's how I found out about the blog:-). I am glad I will be able to follow his progress after he leaves SLU! Lots of love for your whole family! Christine:)
Dear Nita, Thank you so much for your address and also for the sweet compliment about my blog ~ you always have something kind to say and I'm so glad you started yours! Wow!! I'm so glad cards are starting to arrive...a little sweetness can go a long way with lifting John's spirits. Please make sure you get plenty of rest so you can handle all your day holds....I'll be praying for you, John and your daughter ~ xxooooo, Dawn
I hope john gets my card in time.... I've been super duper sick so I havn't been able to get out and about , but I'm praying for his therapy and for you during that time and your daughter that God will heal her and help you all to rest in HIm.
First of all. The picture of you is beautiful. You re a beautiful person, inside and out.
The chapel is so lovely, what a beautiful stained glass window.
Secondly, I will send John a card and I keep him and your family in my prayers everyday.
Things may look bleak right now Nita but they will get better and you will learn to do the things you loved to do before the accident. As long as you have each other and the love of God our Father you will be okay. It may take some adjustments but you will be okay.
Iwill pray for Elizabeth and hope her ear gets better real soon.
God Bless You
Hello Nita just put everything in Gods hands leave the worry to him and just let us pray for you ~ there is a card on its way from Scotland too (but not sure how long it will take!!!)
Give Elizabeth a big hug from me ~ Judy x
I am so glad the cards are making John smile. Prayers for Elizabeth. And for your Nita , I am there every day in spirit to hug you!!
Dear Nita, Please know you, John, & Elizabeth have been in my thoughts prayers. How my heart goes out to you. PLEASE try hard to take care of your self, this is so important. You are the glue holding it all together right now..I'm sure you are not thinking about yourself.
Many years ago I spent weeks in a Childrens hospital ICU waiting room while my daughter was on the edge of death. I know how overwhelmed you are.
I can't begin to know what John is going throught but I wish him the very best.
I know sometimes it's so very hard to keep the faith..
Sounds like John is loved by all!
Poor sweet Elizabeth I'm so sorry she is in such pain. Yes I will be sure to say an extra prayer for her.
God bless you! Here's a few hugs for you. {{{{{NITA}}}}}
~Mary~ :-}
I mailed my first card this morning. I want to do something more personalized and silly but my creative juices aren't flowing yet. Soon :o)
Oh, when it rains it pours- sending you a little strength {{{HUGS}}}. Hope the ear is better, my little guy just got tubes in his, so I can sympathize. Poor baby.
Nita, I check your blog everyday and I know there is little I can do to help, but you've got to think with as many caring people reading about ya'll, thinking of you, and praying for you, that all the good 'vibes' can change something, if only how you are feeling today and knowing you're not alone.
Yes, I will also keep your Elizabeth in my prayers, how painful it must be for her...I hope by today she is much better :)...how wonderful to know the cards are coming in...May John be richly blessed, and you also...take good care dear lady....
Prayers for Elizabeth from me today. Hang in there Nita - things will get better. Hugs!
Dear Nita,
I am so encouraged reading your recent posts! For everyone who has prayed and for you and John and Elizabeth - well prayers are being answered as witnessed here and you know how exciting that is!
I continue to pray for you and yours, adding Elizabeth for her ear infection; having gone through that just a few short weeks ago myself, I can truthfully say I feel her pain.
God's blessings to you. I am so glad that the cards are cheering John up! I will be sure to send him another.
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