His new address is : SSM Rehab
c/o John Zimmerman
Room 137
6420 Clayton Road
St. Louis , Mo.
Bad news about Elizabeth, it is not an ear infection. She has severe TMJ, and her joints in her jaw are rubbing the nerves that lead to the ears, causing constant pain. We have to find an ortho surgeon, because she will have to have surgery to correct this. So I am still asking everyone to keep praying . I have to admit it, I was overwhelmed again. I feel like it is all too much. But, I have to keep taking it a minute at a time, that is the longest I can do right now. If anyone out there is going through anything like this, know I will be saying a silent prayer for you tonight. Or if anyone is just suffering from grief, sadness, loneliness or despair, know I am praying for you too. *love nita*
Hello Nita- I'm so sorry to hear about Elizabeth. I'm sure there are many like myself who would also like to send your sweet daughter a card. Is there an address you feel comfortable to give out?
My heart to yours~
PS- I mailed John's today
I am so glad John is in his second stage of recovery. I am sorry to hear about Elizabeth though. It will all be okay Nita, my goodness you have had your fill of troubles but we are all praying for you and your family. Hang in there my friend.
God Bless You and your family.
Thanks Patti, The prayers are helping me make it. Because somedays it takes all I got to put one foot in front of the other. You are kind and sweet to always encourage me. love nita
Donna, I will get back to you on that in a couple of days. But, yes she would love that. XOXO Nita
Nita, your family remains in my prayers. How old is your Elizabeth? Do you think maybe she is clenching her teeth when she sleeps because of all of the stress of what is going on? Sure hate to hear she needs surgery. Hugs to both of you!!
Tell Elizabeth that I have had TMJ since I was 12. I now wear a bite guard device at night and sometimes during the day. I have worn it for about the last 28 years. I wish I would have gotten it from the doctors earlier. It makes a WORLD of difference,...for me anyway. I have dealt with the pain, proceedures and inconvienance almost all my life. You can learn ways to improve it although I don't think it ever completly disappears. She will do fine. I will pray for her.
I've had TMJ a few times in my life and it was painful. The last time I had a flare-up was this summer and I couldn't even put my mouth around a sandwich.
Many years ago (back in the 80's) I had a bad case and my dentist prescribed a small dose of valium every night for a week. It disappeared for 20 years!
This last flare-up - I treated myself with two glasses of wine before bedtime for a few days and all is well.
I hope Elizabeth doesn't need surgery - maybe a muscle relaxant? Something to help her stop clenching her teeth and jaws at night. Stress causes that. I'm not a doctor but I have a little experience with TMJ.
hi nita. said a prayer for elizabeth just now. continue to hold on to God. he can definitely do wonders in our lives.
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