I took these photos yesterday. It was a rainy dreary day and I asked Elizabeth if she would blow some bubbles for me from this huge bubble container she had gotten as a gag gift from her boss. She said sure. So we went out in the driveway and she blew bubbles and I am snapped photos. It was fun.. The beauty of the bubbles amazes me. I love to see the different colors that each one has. Elizabeth had a good time blowing them. It reminded us of all the times I spent on the porch with the kids when they were little blowing bubbles with them.
It isn't the big things that kids or people remember. We remember moments not days.
It the silly fun times we take out of our dreary days that remain.
I have a couple of quotes I want to share with you.
The ordinary acts we practice everyday at home are of more importance to the soul than their Simplicity might suggest. Thomas Moore
Irish Poet {1779-1852}
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." Mother Teresa
A gentle word, Like Summer rain, may soothe some heart and banish pain. What joy or sadness often springs from just the simple little things. Willa Hoey
It isn't the big things that kids or people remember. We remember moments not days.
It the silly fun times we take out of our dreary days that remain.
I have a couple of quotes I want to share with you.
The ordinary acts we practice everyday at home are of more importance to the soul than their Simplicity might suggest. Thomas Moore
Irish Poet {1779-1852}

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." Mother Teresa
A gentle word, Like Summer rain, may soothe some heart and banish pain. What joy or sadness often springs from just the simple little things. Willa Hoey

Prayer for Peace
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred...let me sow love
Where there is injury...pardon
Where there is doubt...faith
Where there is despair...hope
Where there is darkness...light
Where there is sadness...joy
Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled....as to console,
to be understood....as to understand
to be loved...as to love,
it is in giving....that we receive
it is in pardoning, that we are pardoned
it is in dying....that we are born to eternal life.
I say a little prayer for all of you tonight that no matter what you are going through that God will help you.
Sending love to all....
~ Nita~
Oh Nita, your photos are just beautiful ~ as are your words...you are such an inspiration to me. I hope you're doing good ~ much love & hugs, Dawn
your photos are like part of an faery world! just beautiful!! <3
hugs and love...
Beautiful post and pictures, Nita.
How Beautiful!!! Look at that little gold one!!! Special sweetie!!!hughugs
Dear Nita,
I have been praying for you to have some "Nita" time in the midst of all that has been going on. I can't think of anything more joyful than bubbles with your daughter right now. I hope it refreshed your souls! I see Gods promise even in the rainbows the bubbles display. He is in everything we do and I am so thankful. The bubble resting in the flower reminds me of how fragile life is, and it is carried by the most gentle and loving Hands of our Father. Beautiful quotes too. Bless you today dear friend. Take more "Nita" time, it is beautiful and refreshing to see:)
Love and Big Hugs, Laurie in Ca.
Those bubble photos are so beautiful and remind me of how fragile life is.
You are very talented.
Thanks for sharing.
I love the bubble photos, especially the first one.
I love your photos of bubbles...they are so fragile like your heart is now...but they glisten in the sunlight, as the light shines through...
Praying for you,
The bubbles are beautiful! I love they way you captured them!
Dawn, thank you. I am doing a little better, but it still really hard.
Love to you friend, Nita
delila, I thought of you while I was taking these photos.
I hope you are well friend. I am glad you liked the pictures.
Sending you love, Nita
Colette, I am so happy you liked the photos and post.
Thinking of you often, Love Nita
Donna, I noticed one of them looks like a gremlin is in it! Weird..
I am glad you liked them.
Love Nita
Laurie, Thank you for your prayers. Your words mean so much to me. They are very comforting.
I have been taking bits and pieces of time and weaving projects into the day.
Sending you love, Nita
Pam, Life is so fragile... The bubble resting on the ground is resting on a rose bush. The thorns look like they are holding the bubble up. I thought that was very neat.
Sending you warm thoughts and love, Nita
Susan, I am so glad you liked the photos. I like the gold one in the first shot. The way it is the only golden one surrounded by the blue ones.
Sending you love, Nita
Mimi, My heart is fragile now.. Very true. Thank you for the kind compliment, and for your prayers. It is appreciated.
Love NIta
Gail. Thank you...It was a spur of the moment photo shoot. But I really had fun doing it.
Love Nita
These are just wonderful shots!! VERY faerie-like. I must try that some day.......but......I better stay away from the cactus LOLOLOL
thinking of you both xox Rella
Hi Nita,
Such beautiful photos and such truly lovely words. You see life in such a pure and inspiring way.
These photos are amazing!
Sending lot's of hugs.
xox Andrea
The pictures are whimsical..and lovely
and that prayer is my fave and our
love and hugs..and praying for you..Deena
I grew up with that prayer from St. Francis--it's one of my favorites, and very comforting, somehow. I LOVE the photos of the bubbles! They are beautiful!!!!! ~Jann
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