Today I thought about all the people I have met through blogging. I thought about All the ones who have loved me and had faith in me. Those who have helped me by being my friend after losing John. There have been many days after his death that I wanted to give up but then someone would send me an e-mail or a card in the mail and tell me they were thinking of me. Or they would leave me a comment.
That made the difference in giving up or holding on for another day.
And so many of you have appreciated and encouraged my writing and my photography and my attempts at making art.You will never know how much that means to me.
I never knew that people, I have never met in person could mean so much to me. But you all do.
I have been given awards all Summer that I have not posted. And I am really sorry about that. I have always felt a little funny about awards..But I have appreciated every single one I have been given. And to all of you who awarded these to me thank you! If you are not mentioned please leave a comment and I will correct it.
I got home today and had received an award from Dena from Swaddle Cottage. A beautiful art award. Dena gives of herself and she heeds Gods voice. She is a lovely woman who decorates her home like nobodies business.
And last week Colette from, A Bird in Hand gave me, I Love your Blog Award.
Colette, has helped me so much after losing John. She, also lost her husband John many years ago. She is such a beautiful soul. And she never runs out of ideas on making things. I want to be like her. And I consider her one of my mentors.
Patti, from Treasure Barn Blog awarded me with a Brillante Weblog award in July and Maija from Maigigrl.Madness awarded me with the same award about the same time as Patti. Patti has taken off in the art community since I first met her. She does amazing collages..And please say a prayer for Patti's son. He has had health problems. She would appreciate it so much.
Maija, is an amazing artist . She is getting ready to go to Paris! Isn't that cool? She has lost a ton of weight this past year and has a journal about it on her site. She also has been there for me after John's death. She lost her Mom this past year and it has been really hard on her. Maybe you could leave her a word of encouragement..
To all those who follow my site thank you for your words, thoughts, e-mails and phone calls.
I dedicate this song to you today. Have a Little Faith in Me , the clip is from the movie Benny and Joon. One of my favorite movies in the whole world. I hope you have time to listen to it. It is for you..
And I want you to know I have as much faith in you as you do in me. I want to light your path as much as you do mine.
And I want everyone who is reading this to consider these awards yours..
All of the people I have mentioned has their link on my sidebar. Please visit them if you have time. I still cannot link on my posts.
i agree wholeheartedly about what a community of support bloggers are. sometimes when we think we are all alone in our despair, out of the nooks and crannies of life, pops a kind online soul who is there for you. i am so happy you've had so much support after losing your husband.
Our paths crossed becouse God had a hand in this.... Isn't it funny how complete strangers can become a friend? I think it's becouse we appreciate and love that person for who we've become to know through writting, the true person. you have lightned my path on so many occasions more then you relize!Friend's will ALWAYS encourage each other. I dont think you completley understand how much YOU MEAN TO ME!!! God bless you my dear friend now and forever!!!
You're very special Nita. You encourage people because you're so you. Friendship of even those we don't meet in person can be just as rewarding as those we can have lunch with. You prove that.
Many hugs and blessings,
I wish you could go to artfest with me too. We'd have a blast together. You have such inspirational vision.
I'm so glad to have you as a friend.
It truly is amazing how virtual strangers can lift us up, but we've all proven it can happen here in blogworld.
I wish I could listen to your music, but one day maybe. Take care, Nita. ((HUGS))
Dear Nita, very often you attract what you are! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my experiences with you, to pass on what I have learned. I'm very honored that you consider me a mentor.
The only way now is up.
Softly, softly,
Hi Nite,
Hope you are doing well. Congrats on your awards.
thank you for the song, nita....a bright spot tonight, as this movie was so special to me too...and it brought back memories.
i always look forward to what you have to share....you write amazingly....and the photos, beautiful....all these things come from inside you....the way you see life...and you have amazing talent...i hope you always use it, nita.
thanks for the friendship here ....
love and prayers,
Love the song and the movie! I sat here and listened to it, just thinking about all the wonderful people I've met online...
That includes you of course! It has been a blessing to get to know you through your blog. Thank you for sharing your joy and your pain... and also for sharing your writing!
Blessings dear friend!
Nita Jo
you are very deserving of all the awards...you are an inspiration by the way you are struggling to keep your head above water and go on with life...
I admire you very much.
Not only to you communicate yourself with your own words and pictures but you find the words and songs of others to accent them. So glad the support of the community here has been such a help to you.
YOU are a sweet spirit who does shed a little light on everyone's path....that's why we all return to your blog time after time to read, to listen, to see how you are doing...you have blossomed through your writing and as difficult as it has been for you to share your grief and pain and day to day struggles you have....very openly and honestly...something many people can't do. I admire you for many reasons and we are all blessed by your presence here in this blogging community and I thank you for just being you...
sending you a smile and a hug ~
I love that movie Benny & Joon...one of my favorites.
Hello Nita,
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I also LOVE your new banner.
It amazes me how, in a years time I have met so many wonderful people thru my blog. It has helped me with my move to a new place so far from my home and family.
Sending you hugs and well wishes.
xo suze
Congrats on all your awards, Nita. Well deserved as you are a lovely person.
That's a lovely song too!
Is the hyperlink button missing from your blog posting page? I know some of the edit buttons on my post page mine is missing. I didn't know how to resolve that so I had to create another account and add into my blog's team members just to do posting.
Have a good week ahead!
Your blog is a window to your heart. Baby steps lead to bigger strides...but you know that.
393Oh Nita, I am so happy to have you for a friend. You have been such an inspriation to me with all of your words of wisdom and in showing how strong you are even in your most heatbreaking situation.
You deserve all the awards you have received. You have such talent in your writing and your heart is as big as the universe.
I am honored to know you my friend and I love you dearly.
God Bless You
Thanks for the prayers for my son. He is doing better and hopefully the infection will clear up soon.
You are one of the easiest people to love on this earth and you have earned each and every award given to you. Your writing helps me in my daily ups and downs more than you will ever know and you make me appreciate all the tiny things in life. You hold a special place in my heart reserved for dear friends and you fit there perfectly, just as you are. I love you and I am praying you through each day as you are an encouragement to me. Have a blessed evening and know you are so loved by so many!!
Love and Hugs, Laurie in Ca.
Laurie, thank you so much.. You encourage me greatly. And I hope you know you are loved back.
love Nita
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