We had to bring her in the house and bottle feed her from the time she was 2 days old.
The other puppies are 3 times bigger than her so she couldn't nurse. And the Momma didn't seem that interested in her.
I will post pictures of the other puppies in the next couple of days. They are adorable too..
But I really think Velvet is the prettiest. She has soothed our hearts so much. I have helped Elizabeth feed her in the middle of the night. Warmed bottles and kept her clean and fresh.
I can tell she is going to be a great dog.

It looks like she is smiling here doesn't it? It's because she is spoiled rotten..

I love her color! She looks like a little bear to me. A black velvety bear..

This is her at 1 day old..We really didn't think she was going to make it because she was so fragile. But she is robust now and thriving. We hold her alot. She is just precious...
John would have loved her. He was so much like me, we both loved dogs.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Today's song, Black Velvet by Alannay Myles
1st video, 1st clip
what a cutie....she looks like she's got purple highlights, a puppy with style already, and you cant spoil something that you love..growing up I was an only child and all my friends and family would tell me "Annette, your spoiled" "I'm not spoiled just loved" is what I would tell them back, and still do =)
she's just adorable and I love her name.
These are so precious! Enjoy her while she's so small.
Have a good weekend, sweetie.
what a sweetie! She looks like a beanie baby! Do you have homes for all the pups yet? Good Luck!
I love puppies...will you be keeping this one? She has a cute name and I think she is smiling...dogs know.
My friend Carol at Katherine's Dream (check my blogrole) raised her little Guy from about the same age and what a pistol he has turned out to be! Velvet is a beauty!
LOOK AT THAT BABY!!! Awwwww...I can even remember how they smell!! So Sweet!! Love the pictures Nita!! You'll have to post them as he grows!!hughugs
Oh my heart just melted. What a sweetie! I wish I lived near by so I could come visit the puppies.
Precious!! Almost makes me want a puppy - I said ALMOST. hahaha
She is so cute Nita. What a wonderful "project" for you and Elizabeth to pour your hearts into right now. This baby needs you both!! I am assuming that since she has a name and getting all the love from you two, that she has a permanent home with you:) You are her mommies now. Hope your weekend is a peaceful and good one. I love you and continue praying for you.
Love and Hugs, Laurie in Ca.
awwwwwww- I am so melting!! She's just precious and sweet :) And I agree that she does look a little like a bear! lol
Aaww...she's adorable! Yes, it certainly looked like she was smiling in the picture! Love the name too! And the song!
Ooooh. I was looking at the Humane Society's website last night, looking at dogs for adoption. I so want a doggie myself!
Sweet! I'm glad you have this puppy love. xoxo
Aww...she does look like a black velvety bear! Maybe a beanie baby :)
I love your puppy. What a sleepin' cutie. God bless!
I have been off line for a few weeks (My sister was visiting...and she kept me quite busy)
I tried to get onto your other blog and it would not let me in...have you closed it?
Your little puppy is so adorable...I hope you keep this one...she seems to bring you such joy and comfort...
sorry I have been gone...your posts look like you have been having a little bit of difficulty with your heart ache...I will be better at visiting now...
love you and missed you,
never forgot to pray for you,
Hi Nita, Black Velvet is so sweet and your right to name her so. She's beautiful!
What a great job ,you two are doing being mommy to her.
Awwwwww!!!!! She is so so so cute! I LOVE her name too :)
Hello my friend! I've missed you. I'm back from my long needed break. I ADORE your new puppy, he is just so precious. I had to stop by to say hello. Sorry I've been away so long.
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