John with a volunter also named John

This is my husband John. He broke his neck on the 15th of August. He is paralyzed from the chest down. He can move his arms and fingers. But the fingers are still not working real well right now. Our world has been turned upside down.
I have been in a daze for 2 weeks. We have almost lost him twice due to complications. He ran a 104.5 fever for almost two days. He was hallucinating very badly. John is still fighting infection , and it has kept him from going to the rehabilitation center. John is my best friend in this whole world. Our marriage has not been perfect , but, I really do love him. I talked to a Chaplain at the hospital ( Ann) about some of my concerns and she comforted me so much. This is the first time I have been home for 2 weeks. I don't know what the future holds, I only know that I am happy John is alive. This is going to be hard for him, and hard for me. Our lives as we knew them are over. John really needs prayer right now and I am asking anyone who is a believer to pray for him and my family.
I also want to thank everyone who has sent cards and e-mails and left comments. You don't know how much that has helped me. I thank you all. *love nita*
Copyright@ 2007- 2013 by Nita Barrow- Zimmerman
all rights reserved. Please do not use my original art, photos, or reprint my writing without asking me for permission. Thank You...
Pick out one person a day to encourage.
Please pray for the protection of Israel.
And for the Jewish people who live there. May God give them the strength they need to defeat their enemies.
“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.”
—G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936); writer, critic
"There will come
a time
when you believe
everything is finished.
That will be the beginning."
Louis L'Amour
"Wisdom is knowing what to do next;
virtue is doing it."
David Star
exert from
The Philosophy of Despair
It is never too late to be who you might have been.
George Eliot
Friendship is a sheltering tree.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
~Wishes are free~
So why not make one?
Psalm 138:7
Though I am surrounded by troubles, my God will preserve me against the anger of my enemies. He will clench His fist against my angry enemies! His Power will save me. The Lord will work out His plans for my life- for His faithful love endures forever.
If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.
Bob Hope
"OH Nita, First can I say,"
It is such a relief to hear from you!! So, many of us have been thinking and Praying for your husband and family!! God is still able to do such a remarkable healing and shed grace and mercy on your situation. You still continue to be on the highest of my prayer list..
Again, so good to hear from you once again!!
Lots of hugs coming your way,
Hi Nita!
I have been checking in with you every day and I'm relieved to hear from you.
That's a nice picture of your husband. He's smiling through it all.
You and your family are in my prayers. I hope John recovers enough soon to be home again...
Keep your chin up. That's all you can do!
Oh Nita, I'm so glad to hear from you!! I've been really worried. We've all been keeping your husband and family in our prayers. Yes things will definitely be changed but know the prayers will continue. Thanks for letting us know.
Lots of hugs!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet Nita,
It is so good to have you back in the loop to update us on your world. I know that you are a very strong person. I have never met you in person, however, I came to that understanding from your writing about life and your own faith. Please know that I keep you and your family in my prayers and thoughts, my friend!
Hello Nita, my name is Shelley ! I have been checking everyday to see if there was any news of your husband's condition. I have been praying for you and your family and I am asking God to give you his special grace and mercy during this most difficult time in your life's. May he grant you his peace and understanding.
I know you are having a difficult time. My Mom was a caretaker and it took a toll on her because she didn't take advantage of help when she needed it. It's really important for you to have some time to yourself - even if for a short time each day. To read blogs, go shopping, or nap. Take care of yourself.
Tell John I am routing for him! He needs to be positive with chin up, too!
Hello Nita.... My heart just skipped a beat when I came over to your blog. Words fail me but I want you to know I will be lifting you and your husband up to the Lord in earnest prayer. Hold on to Him....
Oh Dear Nita,
After you left a message on my blog about the bird stuff and I replied, and then hopped over to your blog. Oh my honey. I do know how life can change in an instant. My husband had/has a brain tumor, found almost 8 years ago. I remember wondering what our life would be like or if he would even survive. Life is different now, (and now with my cancer) but you know, we both feel we are so blessed. God uses us in our darkest moments and they can be the most rewarding of all. With Him it is never really dark. He promises to carry us when we need it and I know He will do the same for you and your husband. It's really one day at a time. Just draw close to the Lord and keep others praying. I will be praying for you.
Sending warm gently loving hugs,
I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I truly wish I knew the perfect thing to say...
Just know that prayers are being said, stars are being wished upon, and good thoughts are being sent to you and yours.
Please let us know what we can do to help you and your family. Take care of yourself.
Hugs and kisses are flying your way.
xoxo Jill
oh, nita...i didn't know. i've been in my own little world. i will send warm healing thoughts and prayers. you are such a dear one...everything will be better soon. keep the faith. xo..annie
Oh Nita, I am so happy to hear from you. I have been so worried and checked each day to see if there was word about your husband.
What a nice picture, he looks like he is in good spirits even through all of this. You and John and all of your family have been in my prayers since this happened. God works in mysterious ways Nita. Never give up.
God Bless You and your family
Keep your chin up kiddo
I wandered here from another blog and just wanted to say I'm so sorry to read about what happened. I am hoping for the best for you both.
oh nita your always in my prayers... thank you for sharing more of what happend and pictures... your strong and God will keep you that way... my family went through a super crazy tragedy a couple yrs ago and it's just amazing how strong God will keep you through it.... I'm thinking about you all
Nita, you and John and your family will be in my prayers. One of my friends was paralyzed from the waist down in a motorcycle accident and it was a long haul but she's home now and doing well. Keep the faith - you can handle more things than you know. Hugs!
Hi Nita - I am a friend of Bethany's and just wanted to tell you that my prayers will be added to all of those going up for your dear, sweet husband and all of those who care for him. I know so well how life can change in the blink of an eye. Blessings and peace to you... gain strength from all of us out here. Deb
what a sweet sweet face that angel of a husband of yours has - prayers and well wishes abound - thank you Nita for keeping us posted - we are sending out our very best energies and prayers...
xox - eb.
It's a good thing I had a tissue in my hand as I sat down to read this post. Even though I've never met you guys I wept for you. Will continue in earnest prayer for you guys.
Casey x
Dearest Nita,
I found you tonight via Donna and wanted to pray for your sweet husband. A group of us are praying at Pilgrim Pals (blog) for you. Lord, when I think of all John has just gone through, it's a miracle he's alive. Nita is tired and weary and dazed---bring her refreshment and a renewed sense of Your presence with her. John needs that, too, Lord. We're praying for incredible overcoming power through Your Holy SPirit, Lord. We pray for Divine intervention, healing, and grace upon grace! Pour out so much love on them both that their hearts are overwhelmed with YOU, Lord. You are not caught off guard through this event and Your desire is to draw us closer, and meet every single need. Fill John's heart with Your peace. Meet with him there on that hospital bed, dear Lord. LEt them both know that people love them and care and will be here to pray them through! Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
You will remain in all my prayers, Nita.
Dear Nita,
Thanks for sharing your experiences, I believe that God has purpose why this things happen.Maybe at the moment you dont realized but eventually you will think of it.I think with you and your husband has been through makes more your relationship stronger and love for each other.Everything will be okay, just strengthen your faith in God.Prayers answers everything... I will pray for the fast recovery of your husband.And may GODBLESS you both.....
Oh Nita
I'll be praying for you dear one.
If I can help in any way..let me know
any little thing from afar..
John looks so kind and does his volunteer~
God works for the good in ALL things for those who love him
a BLOG friend. deena
Dear Nita, I am having goose bumps all over when reading the story of your husband John. What an experience to go through for the two of you.
I wish you all the best in the future. I will burn a candle for youu and John on September 13th in France. All my love. Miriam
Nita how absolutley devastating, of course Ill remember you both in my prayers, for now God bless you both, sending hugs ~ Judy xx
OMG, Nita!! Here you are sharing so much kindness with me, and you have your own tragedy to deal with!! I am so sorry about your husband, and please know you both will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry I didn't know sooner.
oxox Maija
Oh Nita.........I don't know what to say other than my thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious John. How quickly life changes and reminds us not to take anything for granted. My hope is that you both find daily comfort, strength and courage in the love you have for one another.
xox Rella
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