
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

3 pound poodle and John

This is me and John's little poodle Coco. This picture was taken the night before his accident, we were out walking the neighborhood looking at every one's garden.
Coco has always slept with John every night. The first night of the accident he begged me to go home and get Coco, that he could not sleep without her. I have never cried so much as I had to tell him we couldn't get Coco. I told him I couldn't because the hospital wouldn't let her in. He was really drugged up because of the Morphine, and he told me I could sneak her in under my shirt and they would never notice. I sent my kids down to the gift shop to buy him a little dog to sleep with. They brought the little dog back up and I put her by John's side. He woke up and asked me if it was Coco. I said yes, honey it is Coco.
He had me pick it up and show it to him. He looked at me and said , " I may be drugged up but I am not stupid now go get Coco." He finally accepted that Coco could not come up and slept with the little dog at his side.
John is doing better. The infection is gone! He has had some movement of his bowell's, and they have one more surgery to perform tomorrow. It was supposed to be today but it was moved up because of several trauma victims being brought in. If all goes well he will be in Rehabilitation in one week from surgery. He is going to need alot of prayers because he is still having a hard time. Thank you everyone who is sending cards, they have cheered him up so much! He is like a little boy every time one comes for him. And thanks to everyone for your prayers, I don't think John would have made it without you. *love nita*


Sheri said...

im thinking about you guys and praying....

Anonymous said...

Our hospital lets animals in- check with yours to see if Coco can come visit! It may do wonders for him!

Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

Still in my prayers. Grace and strength be multiplied to you both.

SweetAnnee said...

Oh Nita..I laughed out loud about John knowing it wasn't Coco..
how sweet..I hope Coco can come soon, cuz John needs to be cheered !!
Prayers for tomorrow's surgery
Love in Christ.

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

sweetannee, it was funny. Because he knew it was not his little puppy. He was very indignant. And if we don't laugh sometimes, our life would be too hard. love nita

Q said...

Dear Nita,
John is in my prayers and my love.
I have asked my friends to keep you and John in their prayers too.
I will light a candle for John's surgery. All is in perfect order.
Coco and John will be together soon. Charming story.

Mary said...

Maybe Coco can visit one day? John would love that although it would be hard to say good-bye for both of them :o)

I am so glad he's better! Rehab will prove to be a hopeful, good experience for him.

You're still in my prayers.

Unknown said...

'Nita, you and John have a long row to hoe together, but I thank God that HE is your Rock. Praying for you both.

Anonymous said...


Simply Shelley said...

Hello Nita, Such a cute story about John and Coco. I'm sure he misses him very much. My husband has a Boston Terrier and I know he would miss him a lot if they were seperated. I am glad the infection cleared up and I hope things will go well for John in rehab. I am still praying and a card is on the way to him.

BriteCloud said...

Dear Nita,

We don't know each other, but I just found your blog through another and am so moved by your and John's story. I have been praying for him and you while reading and will continue to. Blessings to you and your family. Thanks so much for sharing.

Rhonda Davis

Julie said...

Hey Nita!!! What a cute Coco!!! I have never heard of a Crow's Feet plant...but I am going out to research it right blog is about succulents, but i am just learning...thanks for the name of it!!! Gonna check it out!
With best wishes, still...

Anonymous said...

Love hearing about Coco. Hopefully John will see Coco soon. Wouldn't it be nice if they gave passes to pets even for a few minutes. I'm sure Coco would do him a world of good.

Amy said...

I hope the "WISH" card arrives soon from Ohio. My best to you my friend. I continue to pray. I am so relieved beyond words that his infection is better!!!

Donna O'Brien said...

Hello Nita- just checking in on you. Know that we are all thinking of you.
XO- Donna

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad to hear John has to be without his dear Coco but I am shouting out in praise to hear the infection is now gone...Praise the Lord!!! Bless you dear lady, I pray the arms of our Savior are holding you up and surrounding you with His love xo

About Me

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I love beauty, whether it is in nature, literature or art. And I love music... My day feels incomplete if I haven't had a chance to listen to some good music.. I also love beautiful souls, and kind hearts.


Copyright@ 2007- 2013 by Nita Barrow- Zimmerman
all rights reserved. Please do not use my original art, photos, or reprint my writing without asking me for permission. Thank You...

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