
Monday, November 26, 2007

Please Say a Special Prayer for John...

(me and John a few weeks ago)

I have known for the last few weeks that John was going to have another surgery. This surgery is called a flap. It is to close the bedsore because of its enormity. It has stopped tunneling but it has to be closed.

John just found out tonight that he will have to lay on his stomach for 4 to 6 weeks. He was so very down about this. We cried on the phone together. I am so incredibly sad that he has to go through this. He told me the weight of being in this condition has really hit him hard in the last few days.

I am asking everyone to please say an extra prayer for John and to please put him on your prayer lists. He is dreading this surgery and I am praying that it goes better than any one hopes. I also want to thank everyone who donated items for the Trivia night for John and our family. It was much appreciated. I have had the most tremendous amount of encouragement from all the people I have meet on my blog. I will never forget it. Thank you all for everything. ~Nita~

Tonight's song, Half Acre by Hem (4th clip) dear friends and gentle hearts.... on this scrap of paper

Please say a prayer for Elizabeth tonight too , she has been going through such a hard time with all of this. She needs alot of prayer now. Thank you.

I was just leaving a response to Katherine about coming up with ideas to help John through spending all that time on his stomach. I thought If anyone else has an idea to help John through this , I would appreciate advice.


katherine. said... and your family are always on my prayer list. It'll be a tough time for John no doubt.

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Katherine: Thanks... It will be tough but I am going to come up with ways to help him through this. xoxo Nita

pchickki said...

John is always in my prayers as are you and Elizabeth.

I feel so bad for John but it is something that has to be done so he can heal. I can only imagine how very hard this is going to be for him. Hope you get lots and lots of suggestions on how to help the time go by faster. I will try to think of something also.


~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Patti: he knows he has to do this to heal, but he is afraid of spending all that time on his stomach. That is the bad part. I pray that God will help John through this because it just seems so horrible.

I found a quote That I am going to write down and take to him. It is : In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Albert Einstein

It is hard to stay focused on the positive when you are afraid, but I know he will be ok. This just needs to get done so he can heal. xoxo Nita

Donna said...

Bless your hearts praying for you both. Is John still at the same facility?

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Donna: He is, but he will be moving back to SLU for this operation and will stay there for the 4-6 weeks afterwards. Thanks for your prayers. xoxo nita

Leah said...

sending love and healing to john and his family and to your son's mother-in-law and her family. and of course to you as well, nita! ((hugs)))

PixieDust said...

You and your husband are in my thoughts, and I will say a special novena for you two tonight...


Anonymous said...

Nita, my dear friend, you and your family are always on my prayer list. You are all going through so much my heart aches for you.

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

leah: thank you. You inspire me with your art , you are trult talented my friend. xoxo Nita

Pixie: That would be much appreciated. I wish you lived near me we could go to Our Lady of The Snow Shrine together. It is so beautiful there. Love nita

Bill: I thank you so much for your words. You are one of the biggest inspirations in my life. Since I have met you through the blog world my thinking has been more for others and not just me. Thank you for being there with the gift of sharing your heart and life with others. love nita

Rita said...

Nita -- I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comments.

I also see you have several people in your life needing prayers -- be assured you have mine! ((hugs))

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

rita: thank you dear. We need all the prayers we can get right now. xoxo Nita

Mary said...

Nita, that's a great photo of you and John. My wish is that the surgery goes well and he'll see better days because of it. I wish sunny days for your daughter, too.


~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Mary, i was just looking at a card you had sent John about a month ago, when i went to see him tonight. He has been really cheered by the cards. He was in a happier mood this evening. I told him that he should take one minute at a time. Your card was very sweet and you said you prayed for us daily. That cheered my heart.

I think that there are times we misunderstand each other, but I never stop liking you. Your opinions always make me evaluate things, and i always try to understand your point of view. Thats what friends do. yes? They are like iron sharpening iron. xoxo Nita

Anonymous said...

Dear Nita, I only discovered your blog this week so this is the first time I have read about John.

I am so sorry to hear about his health problems.

I will be praying and thinking about you. Please let us know how things progress.


Anonymous said...

Dear Tina,

I have just read over your previous posts and how John has been receiving cards from your readers.

If he would like a card from Australia, could you leave a comment and address on my blog and I'll send a little something.


Robin said...

Hi Nita,
I'm so sorry John has to go through this and of course the rest of your family. I know your daughter must be very scared for her dad. I'll be thinking and praying for you all. Trying to put my thinking cap on to think of ways for him to spend his time on his belly......theres always books on cd from the library....or how about one of those portable DVD players (it's lap size) it could sit on a side table or even on the floor.....i'll keep thinking! Please keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

This comment is from both me and my little boy sitting here on my knee...
Bethany~Love to you both...Of course we will hold John, you and your family up in prayer to not only get through this unbelievably hard time but to OVERCOME with the Joy Of The Lord as your strength...I pray for you all to be encouraged and I pray you all would be bathed in the HEALING BLOOD of the Lamb who can carry all of your sorrow and weakness.xxxxoooo
Dario~Hi I really hope mr John feels better and his boo-boo is healed up soon. :)

kate smudges said...

I am so sorry to hear this - I hope that his healing process goes faster. That is a long time to be on his stomach - he is lucky to have you!

Dena said...

Hi Nita,

I will be praying. Please stop by my blog when you get a chance. I have something for you.


The Feathered Nest said...

I've been praying for you and John, Nita...that this surgery will go beautifully and that he will heal so, so, so fast....and that John, in all your photos there he is with his sweet smile. Tell him many prayers are going up for him, yourself and your daughter. xxoo, Dawn

Wanda said...

I'm praying too. And yes, I hope the sore heals faster and better than anyone expects. Hugs to you both.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Things are fine...just busy.

Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, praying.
Love you,

Unknown said...

Praying for sure! Sorry I haven't stopped by sooner. I need to stop procrastinating and mail John a card! Hmmm, something to do while on one's stomach... thinking.

Anonymous said...

hope things go well in the surgery. As for things to keep John occupied- games, playing cards, small DVD player, books on tape. Make sure they keep moving him too- don't want any new sores on the front!

Anonymous said...

I too will add your family to my prayer list, I actually for in the medical field and will go to my connections to get suggestions for you.

I am Patti's daughter(my treasure Barn) and I would like to thank you for the encouragement you have given to my mother, Who in turn has blessed me.

I would like to share a passage I hold on in my times of need.

Isaiah 43:1-3

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, and you are mine.

When you pass through the waters I will be with you! and through the rivers, they will not overflow you.

When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you.

For I am the Lord your God the Holy one of Israel, Your Savior,

and Isaiah 43:5 Do not fear for I am with you.

and Isaiah 40:31 Those that wait for the Lord, Will gain new strength,They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get weary, The will ealk and not fail.

Please share this with your husband.

Many blessings to you!

Lori (

pchickki said...

I have been thinking about you, John and Elizabeth all day. I understand how very hard this is going to be for John to have to be on his stomach for 4 to 6 weeks! Is he going to be in a circular bed and will he be turned at all? Probably not huh? I worked as a nursing assistant for 15 years in my younger days and I sort of remember a circular bed but don't remember how it worked or if the body had pressure on it.

The only thing I can think of right now is that maybe music or audio of some sort, maybe audio books or something like that would make his days go by faster. You and Elizabeth could maybe write down all of your feelings each day and make a journal of the progress he is making. I truly think you have a talent in writing and I really think you should write a book. Who knows, it may help others in your same situation.

You have been so strong through all of this and I know the Lord is there with you. Keep praying and hold your chin up. John is going to get through this horrible, painful, boring ordeal and you will all be together again soon. I will be praying for you every day as I always do and I will try to get more cards off to John. Is he still in the same rehab?

God Bless you Nita. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Hugs and Kisses

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Kate from red house: Thank you and I know he would love a card from Australia. And thanks for your prayers and thoughts. xoxo Nita

Robin: Wonderful ideas!! I am writing them all down. Thank you for praying Robin. xoxo Nita

Bethany: Wonderful Prayer. I always appreciate them.

Dario: Thank you sweetheart. xoxo Nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Kate: Your words touch my heart, Thank you. xoxo Nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Dena: Thank you dear heart for the award.
You inspire me so much with the way you love God and listen to Him. xoxo Nita

Dawn: Thank you so much for your prayers, they help. xoxo Nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Wanda: Thank you for your prayers too. I have a friend who loves to shop and I bet she goes to all the after Christmas sales. xoxo Nita

Amanda: Thanks dear.
love you too. xoxo Nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Nathalie: you are a kind and thoughtful friend and you have had alot on your mind. Thank you. xoxo Nita

Lee: Brilliant ideas!! I was hoping you would make an appearance I have missed you. xoxo Nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Lori: Love the scripture!! And thank you. Your Mom is a one of a kind. She has a heart of gold. She must be proud to have such a sweet daughter like you. xoxo Nita

Patti: All your ideas are great. He loves music and we are going to check out what kind of bed he gets. We definitly don't want more bedsores on the front. Thanks for your prayers my friend we need them. love you, nita

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Your family stays in my prayers, Nita. I have also asked my lady's Bible study group to pray for you. May God shower you, John, and Elizabeth with blessings and peace.

Nunnie's Attic said...

Thank you very much for dropping by and helping me sort through things in my own head. You're sweet!

I was reading through your posts and I have to offer my sincerest condolences to everything you have been going through. I'm new to your blog so I'm not up to speed on things. Who is John? And my goodness, your son's MIL must be devastated. I will pray for all of you and that you find the peace of the Lord, especially at this time of the year.


~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Susan: Thank you so much. xoxo Nita

Julie: John is my husband. He broke his neck on August the 15th of this year, and is paralized from the chest down. He has been in the hospital ever since. And thank you for your prayers... they are needed. You are a sweet person as well, I can tell. xoxo nita

Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

have not stopped praying for John, Elizabeth and you. The quote by Einstein is great.
Praying with fervor

Amy said...

I really like this photo, Nita! John is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him. You two have taught each other so much about what is truly important.
I send happy wishes and hugs for Elizabeth during these trying days and weeks and beyond...
Your friend, Amy

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Blondie: Thank you for your prayers for all of us. And glad you liked the quote. xoxo Nita

Amy: Thank you for your kindness and always being interested in Elizabeth too. I bet Elizabeth and Anna would be good friends if they lived closer. xoxo Nita

About Me

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I love beauty, whether it is in nature, literature or art. And I love music... My day feels incomplete if I haven't had a chance to listen to some good music.. I also love beautiful souls, and kind hearts.


Copyright@ 2007- 2013 by Nita Barrow- Zimmerman
all rights reserved. Please do not use my original art, photos, or reprint my writing without asking me for permission. Thank You...

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—G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936); writer, critic
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That will be the beginning."
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So why not make one?
Psalm 138:7

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