This is an Indian tool I found years ago at my sister's house in the country. She owns alot of land and has always let me come out and explore. I have done alot of research on tools that were used by ancient Indians, and this looks like one that was used to take the tallow off the back of a deer hide. And I am sure it was used for other animal skins too. It literally has the finger prints of those who have used it embedded in it. My heart skips a beat ever time I pick it up and feel those finger prints. ~nita~
Geez! I look like I could gouge somebodies eye out holding this thing in the air like this!
Neat. My husband has a few Indian tools he's found over the years.
Susan: Thanks. I have several things I have found over the years that are quite interesting. xoxo Nita
That is a great tools! Most of the old Indian tools that I have found are the arrowheads!
Mon@rch: thanks, i have others as well. i have collected them over the years. i love looking for arrowheads and fossils, and i have quite a few fossils too. ~nita~
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