{please click on pictures for a better view}
I spent my weekend taking photos. I got some crows in the park and at home. I also got photos of : sparrows, a cardinal, a robin. And a squirrel we have named Blondie because of her blond tail. I hope you enjoy the photos. I really liked this one of the crow in the pine tree. He looked majestic to me.

This crow on the corner of the shed has let me get very close to him. Within a foot .. I have named him Jim Yellow Eye. I read a book once on hand feeding birds and have started to try to do it. The sparrows have started to come very close to me. I can sit on my pink bench and they will come as close as my feet. If I dare move they fly off. If I try to take a picture they fly off. LoL.
Before I was born my Grandmother who was Indian split a Ravens tongue and it talked. She kept him in a large cage and he would tell everyone to go to the back door in her voice. He could mimic her voice so well that no one could tell the difference. He got her in more than one fight with her parents for telling them to go to the back door. I guess that is what she deserved for splitting his tongue.

I thought of John today while I was downloading my photos. And how he bought me my new camera last year. How excited he was every night he came home because we were going out every night for rides and taking photos.
He looked at me one night and just started laughing. We had stopped on the side of the road and I was taking a picture of a barn. I said, "What's the laughter about?"
" You are like a little kid with a brand new toy." He chuckled.
"I hope you always stay that way. The way you love life and how you find joy in the tiny things like a good picture."
He looked at me wistfully then. And I had a deep sadness come over me. A premonition maybe..

Three sparrows eating ... Enjoying the sun, enjoying the day with no rain. When it rains the sparrows hide under the eaves of my front porch. I hear them singing and it soothes my broken heart.
This crow in the tree looked like he could pick my eyes out. He had such a mean look on his face it made me laugh. He was all hunkered down on the branch with his shoulders pulled back and his head sticking out. He was observing me as much as I was observing him.

This is a cottage down the road . It has the most beautiful Forsythias in town. Forsythias are my favorite Spring bush. I love the brilliant yellow branches .

Tulip tree down the road. I use to have one of these. I had a little boy come by one day and pick every bloom off the tree's branches. I came out as he was picking the last bloom. Anger rose up at first. Then I looked at him. He was dirty. He ragged clothes on and he looked so very sad. I said, Please don't ever do that again to my bushes or plants. I put a lot of love into planting those and tending them. If you want to pick a flower just come knock on my door and I will pick one for you."
He looked down at the ground and and said he was sorry. I told him that it was alright.
He began to come by my house regularly and knocked on my door and we would go pick flowers out of my garden for his Mom. We moved away and I have never seen him again. But, I feel like I planted a seed of kindness.
He would watch that house all the time for signs that a bird was there. Now there is. ..

Robin in my back yard taking a bath in a mud puddle....

This is Jim Yellow Eye.. I love the blue sheen on his head...
I got this crow standing in the puddle and then he began to take a bath.

These are the rest of the pictures I got over the weekend. They are the Forsythia, the squirrel we named Blondie, Cardinal, Crow, and a picture I titled Remnants of Winter... The leaves in the water, all murky.
Andrea I have not forgot you. I will do your post tomorrow.
~ Nita~
" We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
" We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
Chuck Swindoll
writer, clergyman
There are thousands of reasons for stress, and one antidote to stress is self expression.
Garson Kanin
American Writer and Filmmaker 1912-1999
The power of imagination makes us infinite. John Muir
The power of imagination makes us infinite. John Muir

Become a positive thinker. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities- they are always there. Norman Vincent Peale
One of the greatest techniques of human well-being is surrendering yourself to the recuperative power of God.
Norman Vincent Peale
Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.
-J. Andrews
Adversity is the path of truth.
Adversity is the path of truth.
Today's Song is, It Feels Like Redemption by Michael English
Today's Song is, It Feels Like Redemption by Michael English
1st video, 1st clip
This song is so powerful.
What a beautiful post, Nita ~ I love all the different birds!! Beautiful words as well...xxoo, Dawn
Dawn: Thank you. I really love to take photos of birds. When I sit outside in solitude it comforts me. Just being in the nice weather and taking it all in seeems to soothe the spirit.
I hope you have a good day. xoxo Nita
What wonderful photos, Nita. The sparrow in John's birdhouse is a messenger I think. xoxo
Wonderful pictures Sweetie!! Lov that little squirrel!!hughugs
what a peaceful weekend you had full of God's beauty (birds and flowers)
I love the pictures of all the different birds...and I'm so glad that one of them is coming to John's birdhouse that he built for you...
such sweet memories the birds bring to you...
Praying for you not only for the loss of John..but also for the illness and situation with your Dad...
Great post Nita.
I love all the birds. I love to hear them sing also. The blossoms on the trees are just gorgeous. I think maybe spring has finally sprung.
Hope you are doing better Nita.
God Bless You my friend
Nita - Such amazing photos that you were able to capture this weekend! It is great seeing the sparrows at your bird box!! Crows are fun for sure to watch!
Your photos and thoughts were so refreshing to me today. Aaaahhh.
Love you, friend.
I love this post Nita. You should really sell some some of your photo work. It is so wonderful how you capture nature.
I love the photos, Nita--especially the birds. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful pictures...I admire you courage, strength, and determination. Blessings to you and your family.
Nita, this post is amazing. You have the heart of a poet indeed.
Hugs to you my friend.
I left a comment last night... but it seems to have gotten lost in the blogosphere (I had feeling something glitched) -
I love the pics of your birds - such a bounty, yes? Jim yellow eye is so very handsome!
I love love love your new look!!
Great job.
Bless you
Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures.A very lovely post indeed.
God bless you Nita.....
Colette: I think you are right..
xoxo Nita
Donna: Thank you... I love to watch the squirrels antics.
xoxo Nita
Mimi: Thank you very much. It was a good weekend for birding. I am glad you liked the photos. xoxo Nita
Patti: It is always fun to get out and get some fresh air and take pictures. I am hanging in there. Some days are worse than others.
Love Nita
Mon@rch: Thank you... John would have loved it that the sparrow made her home in his birdhouse.
The crows are really fun to watch. They are so smart, and I am very impressed by that.
They have such distinct personalities too.
Amanda: I am so happy you liked them. Love you friend
xoxo Nita
Amy: I would love to sell some of my photos that would be fun. I am glad you like them.
Thinking of you today. Love Nita
Susan: I am so happy you liked them. Sending you warm thoughts. xoxo Nita
Anonymous: I want to thank you for the kind comment you left. Your words touched my heart. Sincerely, Nita
Dena: You are very kind. Thank you.. love nita
Pixie: I am so happy you took notice of Jim Yellow Eye. I really love him the most. He comes everyday and lets me watch him.
I am glad you loved the photos.
You are loved Pixie..
by me
xoxo Nita
Patti: I am so happy you like it! I have worked on it off and on today. I was ready for a change.
Sending you love. Nita
Shelley: Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. You are a sweet person. I am glad you liked my photos and post. love nita
about the tree with the white blossoms: I don't know what it is, but i like it as well.
Great pictures Nita and I love the look of your blog.
Jeannie: I am glad you like the new look. I have been thinking of you friend. Hope you are well. xoxo Nita
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