I have thought about all the people I have known in my life and what they have meant to me. Some of my greatest lessons I have learned from my enemies.
How to have strength when I am attacked and to let God fight my battles. I have always been a person to never back down from a fight. But I have learned in the last year that sometimes it is better to walk away. Not to let the craziness of others destroy us.
I thought about friends who I thought were friends but were incapable of being a good friend for one reason or another. Some people have the best intentions but are just incapable of being a friend. But I still learned lessons from each person.
I keep the good out of those relationships and keep it in my heart.
And I know that the person I am is the result of all those around me who have helped me in life. The 3rd grade teacher who saw a sad little girl who acted out because she was so alone in the world. And decided to make a difference in her life by spending time each day at recess working with her on her reading. And who made her do a book report on Martin Luther King Jr. that changed her outlook forever.
As a result of that teachers love and attention I developed a love of reading and a respect for other cultures and races.
I thought about my Sunday School teachers who were there each week helping me memorize scriptures, and teaching me about God. Not just through lessons on paper but through their actions.
We are molded in life by the vast experiences we go through:
the good ones, the bad ones, the sad ones, the tragic ones. But we choose how to handle each one. We choose to either wallow in self pity or to get up and make a life for ourselves and others. Just like Gandhi said, "We have to be the difference in the world that we want to see."
I read this quote last night and was so moved by it. It is how I feel.
" It is not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it may be creating joy for others, Sharing what we have for the betterment of person kind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely."
Dr. Leo Buscaglia
On another note: There has to be a balance of how we let others influence us. Especially if they are critical of us. Family members tend to be the worst at this. They know our weakness and sometimes strike us in the heart with a hot iron.We can't let another person's opinion destroy us. Or deter us from our dream.
"Other people's opinions of you do not have to become your reality."
Les Brown
Sometimes we are so busy looking for approval from everyone else that we fail to see that what we need is already inside of us we just need to learn how to extract it.
We have to remember in turn that we are molding those around us. We have the power to say kind words that will bring people hope.
The words we speak can make or break a person. We must be mindful of that always.
We have power to change things around us. One person can make a difference.
A final thought from the book, Courage and Confidence from the Bible, " Even a thorn in the flesh was for the purpose of demonstrating Christ's grace."
Sending you all love, Nita
tonight's song, Love is not a fight by Warren Barfield
i hope you have a chance to listen to this it is beautiful...
1st video, 2nd clip
Great post Nita, I to think learning by example is a great lesson.
What a powerful blog..and so very true, I once wrote in one of my blogs "The smallest thing on a human face can cause so much pain" but on the positive side of that same thing "The smallest thing on a human face can also cause much happiness" I guess its all in the moment.You are so right about everything you wrote about, I tend to stay away from people who have hurt me, and maybe I should ask God to forgive them for they know not what they have just done, and if they did intend to hurt me forgive them.....I absolutely love this post. I hope your having a sweet day. It's cold & foggy here.
Love to you always
Very thought provoking and powerful Nita! My favorite quote to repeat to myself at least once a day is "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission"
By Eleanor Roosevelt.
I just LOVE quotes and one of these days I'll start writing them down!
Wonderful, wonderful post...it so speaks to my heart dear Nita ~ we do have to rise above and treat others as we would love to be treated...and if other's actions are hurtful, we have to remember that they must have pain and are taking it out on us...but I must say, life is to short to surround yourself with those who continue to hurt and stress us. love and hugs to you sweet Nita! xxoo, Dawn
You are a person becoming a "new" person, Nita. Life changes you in many ways, but how you chose to face what happens will determine how happy and productive you will be. Life is lived in moments. That's all we have here on earth. Make it the best.
Very good post.
Wonderful post Nita and so true!
That is all so true; especially that family can hurt you so deeply. Have a great week.
Being a "pleaser" I have gotten myself tangled into many many co-dependent hurtful friendships where I found my best of intentions being used against me in manipulative ways...I keep thinking each time I can make a difference to them like noone else has....but I have come to realize I am not the way to someone finding happiness...they have to find the joy of the Lord on their own. Then they will be able to recognize it in others and not have to squeeze it out of people.
Sorry to have gone on there but your post brought it out in me!!
Love what you wrote...and you xo
Bethany took the words right out of my mouth. I have lost many "friends" along the way when I removed myself from trying to fix them, when I couldn't even fix myself. Change brings change and sometimes it can be a lonely place, but peaceful too. What a comfort to know that we are all works in progress and God knows our hearts. I hope your week is a sweet one, full of treasures for your heart. I love you.
Laurie in Ca.
Your words have spoken deeply to me, Nita. Thank you for touching my heart today.
This was a wonderful post right from your heart today Nita...I think that it shows a great deal of inner strength and an increase in your self confidence..
I wish for you and Elizabeth to have a very blessed Thanksgiving...
{{Hugs and prayers}}
what a beautiful post Nita...that quote by Gandhi has always been my favorite...and everything you say is so true and really speaks to my heart this morning...very powerful words blessing the beginning of my day...thank you.
For me? My 1st grade teacher...Sister Digna...I Loved her and will Always remember the nun that helped a little girl...speak...took almost two months, but she kept at it. Happy night sweetie...thanks for the memory...hughugs
Quite often the only approval we need, is our own approval, to be who we ARE. We often defeat ourselves, in that respect.
Hugs and Love...Lorri...xoxo
There comes a moment when we have to face those questions, make our choices. There is a lack of kind and gentle people. So much selfishness and hatred. Choosing is hard sort term, but sets us free to live authentically.
Wishing you the very best. (and thank you for stopping by, it is great meeting you).
beautifully written and so inspiring, nita.....so much to take from this post and work into my life.....thank you for these beautiful feelings....and your gift.
Always beautiful Nita. And what wonderful words we all need to heed. {{HUGS}}
Your words are very thoughtful, and shows what a good person you truly are. You're a blessing.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi sweet friend, your package was mailed off today!! (Tues.) It's coming Priority mail so be on the look out in a couple of days, OK? Thank you!! xxoo, Dawn
Hi Nita, this is a really inspiring post and so true! I too have learned and am still learning. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post and a lovely reminder!
Thank you!
Peace to you my friend and Happy Thanksgiving!
Good post Nita. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving!
I am thinking about you Nita and I pray good memories sustain & comfort you.
Just stopped over to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving dear. Enjoy the time with those you love...and I'll keep you in my prayers as you remember John today.
May you have a blessed thanksgiving
We have much to be thankful for
each day
Hi Nita,stopping by to say ..hope your Thanksgiving day was wonderful. Enjoyed your post!
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