I envied him at that moment for his ability to fly..Because so many times it is what I want to do. Fly away from grief and worry and sorrow. Fly to somewhere where the skies are always bright, always clear..
The wild pear trees stood like magic spheres of white against the dark night woods. And, as I drove past I could see me living in cabin beside them, with a gentle gravel drive that lead to the road. Waking mornings and taking walks in the woods. Finding ferns to press and treasures of the woods that come to light for adventurous souls.

The cat looked at me impassively and then turned his back on me. It made me smile..I called, "Kitty, Kitty," but he ignored me. For who was I? But a stranger in his land.
Even though the rain tends to make me a little sad. I noticed the wonders that this day held for me.
The way the Sparrows hid under the eaves of the porch and chirped happily to one another. How they ate contentedly, not mindful of the rain. They were happy anyway. I guess I need to learn from the birds..
I took this photo a few days ago of the Oak on Mom's corner.
I love the amber Oak leaves that dot the reflection of the tree in this puddle, my favorite puddle.
And the way the blue sky colors it.. And how the Spring grass frames it and pulls it together. The Dandelions are not lost on me either. Their lemon color brings my heart a simple joy.
My big blue ring held to sunlight and ran through photo shop.

When I walked the dogs the other day, this is what greeted me. Clouds so large , that it looked like I could climb up them.
My heart stuck in my throat for awhile. I felt so lucky to behold the gifts of the sky.
These clouds were on the other side. Right by my home. By the little shack by the tracks. I say that lovingly. John always called our home that.
It doesn't take a large home or new home to make it home. It takes a home filled with love that makes it home.
A home with wind chimes hanging from the porch that play softly on Summer nights. Train music that can be heard on 2:00 a.m runs that lull me back to sleep after a bad dream.
Plants that fill the windows and supper on the stove. And a red tin heart that hangs on the door to know you made it home.
John made me a red tin heart 14 years ago to hang on our front door. He said I want you to know that every time you come home and see that heart hanging there, how much I love you..That is where Red Tin Heart came from..
He took the heart down the Summer of his accident to fix the door, and before he could put it back up he had the accident. I keep it behind my bedroom door..
I love you John.
xoxo Nita
Tonight's song, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
Tonight's song, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
1st video, 1st clip
I love all your photos. The description of your home is wonderful. I always wondered what the inspiration for the name of your blog came from. What a special person John was!
I also read some of your earlier posts trying to catch up. Your grandchildren are so beautiful!
Nita Jo
The pictures are beautiful Nita,Your home is truly a home of love........I have a very humble home to,but it stands true to it's duty...to keep out the cold,shelter from the heat,and provides safty from dangers without..........I am thankful for my home.........peace be to yours,Shelley
Beautiful post little love...bring that heart back out...and let it Shine!!
Love to you sweetie!!hughugs
beautiful words, amazing photos, and a kind heart.
hugs and prayers, nita.
Those are the biggest clouds I think I have seen. With the mountain range right by me the cloud formations get broken up a little, those are pretty dramatic.
pretty, pretty, pretty pictures! I love HUGE white clouds like those! I say the same thing about a home, you can have the most prettiest home, and then you can have just a simple little looking home on the out side, but its whats on the inside that makes it a home, just like us...we may be the prettiest person in a group, then there maybe a plain Jane person in that same group, and it's whats in our hearts that make us BEAUTIFUL, looks are on the surface, but true LOVE & BEAUTY are in the inside! Like you.....you are both, in my eyes, you are just a LOVELY & BEAUTIFUL on the outside as well as in the inside!
Thats my FAVORITE pink floyd song....my brother in law played it at my sisters memorial service....I can't listen to it without always thinking of her....I LOVE the story about the red tin heart...so sweet. You are so right...it doesn't matter how big or small...it's the love inside that makes the house a home. Right now I live in the smallest house I've ever lived in...but we're cozy and content.
Wishing you joy and happiness too Nita...
Beautiful words and images Nita.
It's so nice to know where the name came from. How beautiful to have history behind the name. The photos are wonderful Nita, as is the writing.
I have no words, just lots of love to you, and the red tin heart....
Colette xox
Your writing style is so dreamy and smooth. I can feel it.
Nita, I always love how you capture the world with your camera.
Pink Floyd is one of my favorite music choices.
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