( photo i took a few days ago titled: Winter's Remains)
I observed this from my car a few days ago..
They walked arm in arm across the parking lot supporting one another.
And I'm sure that through their long life together they had done the same thing.
Supported each other through the good times and the bad times.
Through trials they must have went through. I hadn't seen their trials, but knew that surely they had went through some. We all do..
They were barely able to walk. He had a cane and she held onto his arm as he led her to the car and helped her in. My heart went out to the them because old age is not often kind to the body nor to the mind.
She asked him if he had locked the door three times across the small parking lot. And he very patiently answered yes he had. And smiled so kindly at her.
She said, "I love you."
He said, "I love you too."
xoxo Nita
Tonight's song, You Found Me by the Frey
1st video, pick a clip
i love this song..
This made me smile and made me sad at the same time. As I read your words,I could just picture them.
Awwww....how sweet...((HUGS))
Oh I love this picture Nita. Such a sweet post too. I agree with you about old age not often being kind to the body nor the mind. This is the time when we need to remember to be kind to one another. I love you and pray you and Elizabeth are doing alright. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. I miss you!
Love and Hugs, Laurie
What a sweet story Nita
Thinking of you and Elizabeth tonight.
God Bless you my friend
Happy Easter
Hello my friend. I am trying to learn to used facebook and twitter...and have mastered neither..I'm sorry. I'm trying.
One day Patrick and I were in the grocery store walking along down the isles..when suddenly I heard him say..."awwwww..." and he kissed the top of my head. I said
"what?" and touched my head. He said.."you are getting gray..." I laughed and said "NO I'm not!..am I??" He said.."yes..and so am I. We always said we would grow old together and here we are getting gray.." and we grinned at one another. We made it to 61 and 63 and he was gone. I used to say my worst nightmare was that I would wake up and there would be a stranger beside me. I am trying not to think I am living my nightmare now. I am doing what I think ..no..I KNOW he would have wanted me to do. I have gone on...at least as much as I can.
Your little observation...made me remember...and I am greatful for all I had with him...I love him.
I just noticed that I misspelled the word "grateful" :) gee whiz!
what a beautiful story of growing old and still in love...when I see old people like that together it makes my heart melt to know people really do stay in love after all the trails and hardship! So many of the elder people I take care of in the hospital say to NEVER go to bed mad at one another, when I ask "Whats the secret to staying in love all those years?" I bomb at that one! or they'll say " If you are mad at your spouse, give silence time, until one of you cooled off, then talk about it" I bomb at that one too =) Hope your doing good and I hope you and your family have a delightful Easter.
What a lovely photo, from the reflections to the tones and textures.
Hugs and Love! xoxo
Wonderful photo! I love it! I also love the story you shared about the elderly couple. Made me think of my grandparents. Now it's just Grandma, and she asks every now and then where Grandpa has gotten to... sometimes she tells me he's just in the other room... and it's true... he's just in "the other room" and one day they'll be together again... when the time is right.
Nita Jo
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