I found a Robin's egg on the ground today. I held it in my hand and imagined what it's life would have been like if it had been born.
Have you ever done that?
A few days ago I sat in the park for a couple of hours just thinking and observing.
These are a few things I noticed:
1. A strong wind came up and some leaves danced across the road and then collapsed on the grass
2. I saw a blue headed Black bird fly so swift and straight that it made my heart sing..
3. I saw the boy who use to tease my dog with a stick. He is a man now with a beard and glasses (weird)
4. I saw a Blackbird walk through the shadow of a Sycamore tree
5. Robins fly close to the ground while Blackbirds fly higher
I leave you with a quote from an old book I found:
All of us need encouragement. It is a tool that increases our confidence and inspires us to act with courage, spirit or strength.
That is what we need!
We don't need anyone around us that discourages us..
Instead we need "encourager's" in our life.
xoxo Nita
Tonight's song, Colors by Amos Lee
1st video, pick a clip
Amen to that. I love your quiet observations. I honestly think those moments are just as important, maybe more so, than all of our striving. Thanks for the reminder.
I love coming to your blog and reading words that move me so much, again to tears. Don't ever stop blogging, it gives me hope.
Also thank you for introducing me to this lovely song from Amos Lee. I also found Jeremy Camp's music and have downloaded his album onto my i-pod - I love it too! Big hug! Salx I never knew I was missing music in my life, but I was! x
Isn't it nice to just Sit and "look?" Nice!!! Hugging you today Sugar!!!!!hughugs
Hi Sweetie..I dropped off of Face Book and Twitter...I just cannot keep up with them..and blogging also. Getting old I think...I am saying that way too much lately!!
Have a nice day...and a wonderful upcoming weekend. Hope the family are doing well...and you. And most especially...YOU...
I love reading your thoughts. You are a very special person. You always make me look at things in a different light.
I wish I could have been there sitting with you at the park, I love to sit and just watch people, children, and what ever else I can look at....I use to call it "Weirdo watching" sometimes still do....I enjoy coming here, and guess what? you ARE MY "ENCOURAGER"!! I love that last paragraph, so very true!!!
I love you sweet friend~
Love to you always
I'm glad I stop by your blog today. This post makes me pause and breathe a bit slower...LOL. What a lot I've missed out. Thank you!
Have a good weekend!
{{{HUGS for Encouragment}}}
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