I have been awarded a Thinking Blogger Award by Amanda from Hidden Art, http://hiddenart.wordpress.com/ check out Amanda's site, she is very creative, and a wonderful person.
I would like to nominate, Sherry at Q's corner http://q-corner.blogspot.com/ I love Sherry for her quiet and thoughtful wisdom.
Rella has a wisdom born from experience that I treasure.
Bill at Dying Man's Journal http://hudds53.wordpress.com/ Bill is going to change the world one word at a time. Check his site out.
Robin at Thrifty Miss Priss is a woman after my own heart. Read her Can of Whoop Ass post http://thriftymissprissy.typepad.com/
Delila at Sepia Art Studio http://www.sepia-art-studio.typepad.com/ I really like Delila's site, she is a very deep thinker.
Tom at Mon@rch Nature Blog at http://monarchbfly.com/ Tom is gifted when teaching others about nature. I have learned so much from reading his site.
Amanda I feel honored that you choose me for this award, and I thank you. xoxo Nita
There is a song by Annie Lenox titled, Why , it's the third one down on the upper right. I love this song, she is so passionate when she sings, I just keep coming back to her.
Congratulations! Your blog is beautiful and so inspiring...thank you for sharing your thoughts, creativity and wisdom with us!
Congratulations, Nita. You are a wonderful thinker and inspire others to think and feel...
Kate: Thank you Kate. I love your site very much and fell in love with your Mom's site. xoxo Nita
Mary: Your site is always a pleasure to read and to see. You take some of the best pictures I have ever seen. xoxo Nita
Blush, thanks and you are too kind! Thanks so very much my friend!
Mon@arch you deserve an award for the passion you have about nature and wildlife, and the passion you inspire everyone else to have for it. ~nita~
Not a big surprise to me about your nomination girl! Your blog both inspires and touches so many each day,myself included. xxx
congratulations, nita.
Congrats Nita! And Thank YOU again for nominating me! You can really pull a person into your thoughts and dreams with your vivid descriptions~this award is certainly well deserved for you!
Dear Nita,
So often after I read one of your posts I go "do" a household chore and think about what you have written. I return and re-read. You are a thinker and stir me to think too.. Thank you.
Your courage is contagious. You share the deepest of feelings...
Your honesty is inspiring...
Congratulations on the Thinking Blogger Award. Being acknowleged is a grand feeling...
Thank you for nominating me and Corner.
I think, there for I am.....
I love you too.
Congratulations on your award. It is well deserved. I've been doing a lot of thinking since starting to read your blog! I hope John continues to improve in rehab and that he gets no new bed sores. :) I've got to go see what is picture worthy in my kithen...
Congratulations Nita, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more :)
Dena: Thank you, and also thank you for your prayers and encouragement. love nita
Nita you are inspire me to do more! There is a song I would like you to listen to and tell me what you think my 22 year old son send me this song when I was feeling down.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfq_A8nXMsQ If you could go to this site you will find the song.
Thanks Lori
Congratulations Nita!!!!
Lori: Thank you for the compliment. I went there but could not find it. If you don't mind put the title on another comment and I will look it up that way. xoxo Nita
Amy: Thank you. xoxo Nita
Nita the tittle of the song is
Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen and its by Baz Luhrmann. I hope you get a chance to listen to it. I love it and its really so true.
pia: Thank you. xoxo Nita
Bethany: Thank you, you inspire me with the love you have for your family. xoxo Nita
Robin: You are one of the most thoughtful people on earth. You went through my blog and hand picked things I loved and created something out of them. I will never forget that. xoxo Nita
Sherry: You always make me feel loved. And,I thank you for your words of encouragement you give me. xoxo Nita
lori: I will look that song up today. xoxo Nita
NO ONE stirs me to thinking like you, dear Nita. You are a precious and beautiful soul.
xo Rella
Rella: I have to say the same about you.You seem to have many of the same experiences I have. And I am grateful to know you. xoxo Nita
Congratulations! So well deserved...
Pixiedust: Thank you very much. xoxo Nita
Nita, my friend you are so deserving of all the awards and credit in the world. You are an inspiration to many. I thank you I am honor that you would choose to pass it on to me.
Sorry I am slow in responding, there has just been so much going on of late.
Bless you my friend
bill: thank you, i know you have had it very rough and i am praying for you .. you are thought of... xoxo nita
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