I have been tagged by Danita at http://danitaart.blogspot.com/ to list 5 good things about me.
1. I am loyal . You won't find a more loyal friend.
2. I am a non-conformist.
3. If you fell down I would laugh at you, but then i would help you up.
(i have a nervous laughter. O.k, i really just think it is funny when people fall down. ha!)
4. My favorite word is iridescent.
5. I am rarely bored.
Tonight's song, Love's Divine by Seal
I dedicate this song to everyone who is hurting right now. Who's heart is breaking from being neglected or not loved enough. And to those who are suffering through a hard time. I want to tell you " You Are Important, and You Are Valuable" And " You Are Loved" Love Nita <3
Love you in your dog walking hat. I thought you were a rebel and now I know for sure since you describe yourself as a non-conformist. Rebel is how my mom always described herself. teehee. Nice to know these 5 positive things about you. You have heart and soul and will make it through these hard times with the strength God gave you :)
Cute picture. I love your dog-walking hat--and your smile.
I love the picture! Nice to know more about you Nita!
Bobbie: I think i was born a rebel truthfully. At least that's what Mom says. Thanks for your encouragement Bobbie. xoxo Nita
Susan: Thanks. It's a shaky smile.. but it at least it's a smile. love nita
Robin: Thank you. Do you know I look at the book you made me everyday? It means alot to me. xoxo Nita
K, 1) LOVE that pic of you in your walkin hat! ;)
n, 2) That list of 5 is a great one...really love the loyal friend part...that I am also :) Oh yea, the non-com part too!! lol
bethany: thank you. i like to wear all kinds of hats, and have all my life. I knew you must be a loyal friend too, you strike me as loyal. Glad to meet a fellow non-conformist. lol xoxo Nita
bethany i clicked the nickname button because i thought it would be at the bottom of response. Didn't mean to be confuse you. One of my nicknames is Nene. xoxo Nita
You are the cutest...and wish I could meet you one day!! Love this list about you. Although, it does not surprise me on how wonderful you are!!
xoxo Jeannene
"....OH YEAH!!" I just noticed your "nick name is nene" That is mine too..lol!! My name is Jeannene (nene) is the last four. When I was a little girl, my family called me that!!
xo Jeannene
Love the hat Nita. I really hope John's surgery goes well. I hope you'll have a better day too. I think mine are a bit better.
Great to learn about you and like your dog walking hat!
Jeannene: Thank you!
That is so cool that your nickname is Nene too. My Mom has always called me that. I would like to meet you too someday. xoxo Nita
Vickie: I have been thinking of you so much lately. I have not been on the computer much because I have been gone alot. I pray his surgery goes well too. Thank you dear Vickie for your thoughts and prayers. xoxo Nita
Mon@rch: Thanks Tom. I never told you this, but Winter is actually a drag for me too. I know you don't like it. It has rained here all day. And the temperature has been steadily dropping all day. But, I try to find things that brighten my day. Hope you are well. ~nita~
I've been praying for you and thinking about how John is..You are not alone, God is with you..just cast ALL your cares upon Him..
When you post John's address again, I will be
sure to send a card or FOUR
..Love your hat..you look so sweet
Hi Nita, I'm glad you like the book and are using it! Makes me so happy. Everything in there was selected specificaly for you, with you in mind! I had so much fun creating it!
Robin: I want to do something special for you. I have been collecting sewing materials for you and as soon as I get a free day I am going to mail them to you. xoxo Nita
Deena: Thank you, I love that scripture. I use to have it taped to my oldest son's bedroom door. He went through a time when he didn't think God cared, but he had very good reasons. He is a preacher now. I am so proud of him. I pray for you to dear Deena. I am getting ready to add more people to my increasing blog roll (lol) this week and your name will be among them. love nita
Thank you Nina utterly much for being my friend! You are one of themost kindest soul, although you have your own worries, you still hope and good day for me!
You are on my prayers Nita, I hope there will be wind of luch cimng in your way soon.
Pleatse, could you e-mail me some of your usband interests? I have something on my mind, but need some information first...
hey girl- cute hat!
Love your hat! This is a beautiful pic of you - you look sassy (snap, snap!)
I laugh when people fall also, can't help it...
Love the hat! YOU are definitely a non-conformist, Nita :o) I wasn't surprised by your five. You are naturally open and loving. Keep smiling and keep wearing that hat. You are so photogenic.
Thanks for stopping by and offering the prayer for my husband. All went well today, now we just wait for the results. Michelle
am so sorry it has been a while since my last comment. I will be returning to do so more properly shortly. I ask you for a huge favor. I have received a most touching and heart breaking comment on my site. From a 14 year old who’s father is dying of brain cancer. I was so touched I published her short comment as a post. I am asking please for prayers but also short comments be left on my site. I will be emailing her and inviting her to return to what I hope will be a page of love and support for her. I do thank you so much
Delila: Thank you, you are a sweet person. And I love your talent. I will e-mail you some of John's interests. love Nita <3
Lee: Thanks Lee. xoxo Nita
Pixie: will you e-mail me with a list of stuff you like and your addy? I want to send something your way. xoxo Nita
Mary: Thank you! I hope you are having a good week. xoxo Nita
Michelle: I will continue to pray for your husband sweetie. love Nita
Bill: Went to your site and offered a prayer and encouragement. Hope you are feeling well my friend. You are so kind to do this Bill. xoxo Nita
Iridescent is a very fun word and I am rarely bored right along with you!!!!!!!
Amy: I knew we were alot alike. xoxo nita <3
I adore your hat. I am a hat person too! So nice to see your face. You are lovely.
Never bored, how could you be? So much to be grateful for. Even when I am down I can find something to be grateful for. Sometimes it is simply the fact I still can see my toes.
Sherry: Thank you. You are very sweet. xoxo Nita
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