1. Hanging clothes on the clothesline..
2. My pot of moss that i grow just to touch as i walk by...
3. The way the air smells in the mornings.
4. Walking through puddles after it rains..
5. I miss my garden.
And how when I watered my plants, I could watch the hummingbirds sip nectar from the flowers.
6. I miss my garden tomatoes and family breakfasts..
I often cook breakfast for my Mom, sister, nieces and nephews, and my kids in the Summer. I make scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, milk gravy, and we have fried okra and fresh garden tomatoes and orange juice.
7. Fireflies...
they are one of my favorite things about Summer.
8. Snow cones... Cherry
9. The way that every Summer makes me remember every other Summer that i have lived...
10. Leaves on trees...and the sound of crickets
~ Nita~
songs, bird girl...
and fireflies
I love everything about summer except the heat and humidity.
If we could have Summer without the intense heat and humidity it would be wonderful. Have a great day. xoxo nita
Milk gravy and fried okra...Lord save me!!!LOLOL That sounds SO good!!!!
donna: i love to cook. if you were here in summer i would cook for you too.
i think i got that from my grandma barrow...my love of cooking.
have a good sunday donna..
love nita <3
Hi Nita,
yes I miss being able to hang the washing out , its not the same drying it indoors on an airer. we dont have a tumble dryer which is just as well as I think our clothes would resemble dolls clothes !!! just as well.
Also I miss being able to walk about in the back garden in bare feet(apart from the time I stood on a por bee, it felt like I had trodden on glass, poor bee).
The feel of summer clothes all airy and floaty .
Eating outside & having picnics.
Sounds like your summers are very hot Nita, last year we had more rain than sun.We do have a bit of hot weather if its going to be the sort of summer that allows it!.
take care x Dominique
Dominique: it sounds like your Summers are wonderful.. except for the whole bee thing...LoL
xoxo nita <3
I'm missing summer too! I'm done with ice and snow and cold! YUM fresh tomato sandwhichs with salt and mayo!
I love the smell of a summer rain and my favorite soft ice cream drive in is open. I miss it and can't wait till spring. Spring is my favorite season because it is changeable.
yummy! I miss all of that too.
Your breakfast sounds fabulous! Your summer sounds magical... soon, mi Amor, the sun will come full strength, full cirlce and envelope you and your family...
Hey Sweetie! Just stopping by to say you've been tagged! Come by and check out the rules!!
You paint such a beautiful word picture of summer. It sounds so wonderful and I know it is still a ways off, but hopefully by the time it gets here this year, John will be home to reap all of the wonderful things that you love to do. May you look forward to this coming summer with a new HOPE and restored heart.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
Hi Nita
thinking of you and missing my garden too.
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