Today is John and my anniversary. We have been married 19 years.
But we have been together 22 years.
Our wedding day was awesome. It was about 65 degrees outside and was unseasonably warm.
We were so poor we didn't have a pot to pee in and things have not changed much. ha
His sister Julie made our cake. And we had a pot luck reception. We were so happy that day.
He was the most handsome man I had ever met in my life. And I loved him so much it hurt to breath at times.
I use to write poems about him, and hide them in the bottom of my dresser drawer.
Sometimes at night I would lay awake and study his features.
I would trace my fingers over his nose and lips and eyebrows ever so gently. I remember thinking, If I ever go blind I want to remember the way you look right now... always.
I remember the good times with fondness, and with melancholy.
I have always loved John. But there were times that I did not always feel loved.
There were heart crushing times...
But when I made my vows I meant them.
There are times that I will always cherish.
The times when he and I would go fishing , and we would talk for hours. About every thing.
He would bring his camping gear and make a fire and brew us hot tea over the open fire. That was so wonderful.
And the time we went for a walk in the rain when the kids spent the night at my Mom's house. And he pressed me to him, and kissed me right in the middle of the street, rain pouring on us. This guy pulled up and honked, and John hollered at him, "Can't you see I am kissing the most beautiful girl in the world? " We laughed and ran out of the street and went home...
It has not always been a picnic, but it has never been boring being married to John.
He is heart of my heart.
Tonight's song, Our House by Crosby, Stills and Nash
We use to sing this to each other every time it came on the radio , and still do. <3
All best wishes to you and John on this special day. Hope you are able to celebrate it together.
Happy Anniversary Nita
Were you able to see John today?
God Bless You both
Awww, Nina. Your story is so full of romance! Happy Anniversary!
Nita! I need to use spell-check :o/
It was wonderful reading about your wedding day. It sounded like such a special day full of love and new beginnings. I hope you and John were able to spend some time together.
The pictures are great. John had the coolest mustache ever.
Happy Anniversary!
much love,
Happy Anniversary, Nita and John. My God bless you and give you many more years together. (Love your blue dress, Nita.)
Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!!! May there be 50 more lived in love and extreme happiness!! Much love to you both!
fiona: I was able to take him out for a steak dinner on Saturday night and was able to spend 3 hours with him on Sunday. We had a great time.
There was a piano player at the restaurant we went to that looked like an old time gypsy,and he played amazing music!
xoxo Nita
Patti: We called weach other and talked. But was able to spend most of the week end together.
Love you, nita
Mary: hank you.
xoxo Nita
Jeanne: It was a wonderful day.. One of the best days of my life.
Have a great day Jeanne.
xoxo Nita
Amanda: He grew that for me because I loved Sam Elliot's.
But I have to say John's looked better. He was so good looking.
He still is.
Have a great day ... xoxo Nita
Susan: I really loved that dress.
And he made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world that day.
He did everything he could to make it a wonderful day. And I did everything to make it a wonderful day too. We just work good together.
Have a great day dear heart..
xoxo Nita
Donna: I hope there are many more in happiness. Maybe things will be better and better.
I am wishing for happiness this year.. In fact I am calling it.
Hope your day is blessed with things you want to do. xoxo Nita
Happy Anniversary Nita, sorry I am late on this!
You are a true meaning of through sickness and health, and give much inspiration to be a faithful wife to my DH in all I do! "I hope you both had a wonderful, magical day just being together;-))!!"
Congratulations to you and John!
Oh Nita...kisses in the rain! How romantic! Happy Anniversary dear friend.
Happy anniversary to you both. You both look incredibly happy in your wedding pictures. He is incredibly lucky to have such a lady with a huge heart as you. I can see you really love him deeply too. When I got married to my husband we got married in a registry office and it was very small reception back at the apartment where we were living at the time. We had one night away in a little country house. I did not want a big wedding as I just wanted something small & discrete. I would have been far to shy in front of lots of people & my husband was the same as me. It was memorable.
Take care & happy anniversary Dominique
Happy Anniversary Nita and John! So glad you got to spend an evening out together. Such a sweet romantic story you've written here Nita! I felt like I was on that street watching you two!
Jeannene: That is a wonderful compliment. Thank you so much. Love Nita
Carmen: Thank you! xoxo Nita
Dena: It makes me cry when I think about it now. Because we were so young and it was before all the bad stuff happened. I am happy that I have that good memory.
It was romantic. xoxo Nita
Dominique: I loved your wedding story. It was what you both wanted. John was actually the one who wanted a big wedding. I wanted to get married at the clerks office. Isn't that funny?
But when I look back on that day, it was one of the happiest days of my life. I was so in love with him..
xoxo Nita
Robin: It was wonderful. I sure did not feel like the most beautiful girl. I was always insecure about my looks.
But John always made me feel beautiful. xoxo Nita
Happy (belated) anniversary! Your smile in that last photo takes my breath away. All your love for him and life shines through that smile. Que bellizima, What a beauty!
Pixie: You just made me feel like a million dollars! Thank you sweet friend. Love You, Nita
I hope you got to visit John today.
The pictures are great!!
I am praying for all of you!
love, deena
Deena: I got to see John the day before our anniversary and we had a fun time. Thank you.. I hope you are doing good. Love Nita
What a great post...you look so beautiful. You remind me of a young Linda Ronstadt...and good for you for being honest about the hard times. Not everyone in blogland admits that a marriage is hard work, even a good one.
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