This a mirror I made a few months ago.
I save broken pieces of china, and broken mirrors. I also collect cheap jewelry from rummage sales to add to my mirrors. I collect beads and use them as embellishments.
The plant you see in the reflection, is an Amaryllis. I bought it a few weeks ago and didn't have time to add dirt to the container, so I put it by the window until I could. I was getting ready to plant it yesterday , when I noticed it had a bloom coming out of the middle of the plant.
It was not in dirt or rocks, just sitting in the glass container I bought it in. For an Amaryllis that is pretty amazing, because some of them don't bloom the first year you get them. And some may not bloom at all even in perfect conditions.
Today's song, What the World Needs Now
4th clip
if you have time listen. I love this song.
You are SO "crafty"!! Where ever do you come up with these ideas??!!! lol
Hope you're haveing a peaceful day sweetie!!
Hi Nita, what a lovely mirror . You are so talented. Hope you and yours had a great New Years Day. I read your post~CHANGE~ I myself have had a big weight issue my whole life.I don't know if you have been to my blog today, but I mentioned a little about this subject. I was born a normal weight , but from then on I started to gain and gain more weight. I never remember a time being slim in my life. I hate being so large ,but really I don't know what to do anymore. I have tryed everything . I have loss some ,but it always, always, comes back and then some. I am so restricted because of my weight from doing so many things and I feel terrible most all the time. Lots of body aches,etc.
I hope your plan works for you and you lose all the weight you need to and will feel better about yourself for it. As for me , I don't know how I will ever come to a solution for my weight problem, but I know with God all things are possible and I haven't given up hope of one day being at a much more normal weight. Good luck to you on your journey !
Good for you for MAKING the mirror. I have collected broken china and then just tossed it because I got tired of having the junk around and no ambition to make something out of it. :)
My husband and I are going to attempt to lose weight this year too. I'll cheer you on. I have lost and gained in the past, but the whole healthy eating thing is absolutely a new thing for my husband. He wants to go the expensive, no brainer NutriSystem way, but I think he will be shocked by how small the portions of food are that he is allowed to eat (his noraml intake is twice to 4 times what is normal), so it won't be quite the no brainer he will hope for.
Me? I will have to put on my game face and drink water when I want "something" from the kitchen or go for a walk when I am frustrated. I know I eat when I am unhappy or stressed. Potatoe chips are my solace, instead of spending time with God or reading something encrouaging from the Bible. I haven't been disiplined in either eating or reading in a long time. Thanks for the reminder! Do ask me how I am doing in healthy eating- and I'll do the same for you! :)
Oh, how grand! I'm not surprised it bloomed for you, it wanted beauty more than dirt and water - and there you were...
Nita, you are so darn creative, girl! I love the reflection and color. Your home must be dazzling.
What a beautiful piece of work.
You are so talented Nita. Have you sold these in the past? Maybe you should, this one is just so unusual and beautiful.
You are a beautiful person Nita, inside and out. Your reflection in this mirror would be so pretty!
Hope your holidays with John were good and I hope you will be planning his homecoming soon.
God Bless you and your family my dear friend
donna: why thank you. i read alot and get ideas. i also love mosiacs. i have had a pretty good day. love nita
shelley: thank you. we did have agreat new years. we always have a new years party. we don't drink but we have food and games and invite family and close friends. it is a tradition.
i will pray for you too shelley. this is the hardest thing i have ever tried to do. i guess because we associate food with so much. we have a hard time getting away from it. i hope you have a beautiful new year my dear. xoxo nita
i laughed as i read this because i had saved this broken china for years. finally one day i decided i was going to start making mirrors.
before john's accident he cut out the wooden frames and we purchased mirrors and framed them. i then made seashell mirrors and the broken china mosiac mirrors.
i still have about 8 mirrors left that john made me. i am going to start making them again.
good luck to you and your husband on your venture. and i agree we need to ask one another how we are doing that would be an encouragement for us both. have a wonderful year dear nathalie. xoxo nita
pixie: you remind of a beautiful faerie that brings happiness to others just by her beautiful words.
the picture of you holding the glowing ball stays in my mind. that is a magical photo that brings me peace. i would love to print it and hang it up if that is ok with you.
xoxo nita <3
What a lovely mirror. I love mosaics... gave it a try on some flower pots. Fun!
I hope your year is filled with much joy!
mary: thank you. my home is actually like a little cottage. the ceilings in the kitchen are only about 7 feet high.
i love my home. it needs alot of work but it is my little haven.
in the summer i have morning glories planted every where. all over the fences and the front porch posts. i have night blooming jasmine and moonflowers.
and i grow a pot of moss just to touch as i walk past it.
hope you have a wonderful new year mary.
love nita
patti: you are back!!! i am so happy!
thank you for the beautiful compliment on the mirror. i have sold these in the past, only a few. but i would like to sell more if there is interest in them.
you are so sweet patti, i hope god blesses you with the most beautiful year of your life this year.
i went and seen john today and he was doing the best that i have ever seen him do. i have new pictures of him and i will post some tommorow. we had a great new year.
i missed john so much that i drove down to see him on new years eve day. he was really happy that i came.
we worked together one year on new years eve at the centralia house, the oldest restaurant in our town.
he worked there as a kitchen assistant and i was working there just one night to help out on a new years eve for my aunt who was a waitress there.
he was 17 and i was 15.
what's funny is that i was going out with someone else at the time, but the attraction to him was very strong and he felt the same way about me.
he kept casting these smoldering looks at me all night and i just wanted to take him out back and kiss his lips off.
my boyfriend was late picking me up that night (he was a real@##$). he was supposed to be there at 10:30 and still wasn't there by 11:55.
i was so mad.
i went back in the restaurant marched in the kitchen and when the clock struck 12:00. I walked up to John and said how about a new years eve kiss?
he took me in his arms and pressed me to his chest and kissed me. everyone in the kitchen was hollering, whoooo!
it was awesome.
good memory....
xoxo nita
That's a very pretty mirror to be reflected in. I bet it makes you prettier just looking in it.
An Amaryllis will bloom when neglected. It is the struggle to stay alive that makes them bloom. Plants do that when called upon. I wonder if we people do the same.
I wish you a Happy New year and all the best for 2008.
That is beautiful... Amaryllis is the word that cost my daughter the National Spelling Bee in 2002. She received many of them as gifts that Christmas. :)
Irene: that is an interesting fact. i think it depends upon the person. some people just give up when faced with opposition or struggle.
we have to choose to bloom while struggling, like the Amaryllis, yes?
have a beautiful day.. xoxo nita<3
Laura: i wish she would have won, but i am sure she will next time.
i hope you have a beautiful new year and that god keeps his arms wrapped around you.
love nita
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