Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house a world, and beyond its world a heaven. Know then that world exists for you.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I took this picture a few days ago after a big rain.
I planted this lavender rose bush last week right in front of where John use to park. When he opened his door that would have been the first thing he saw.
Thank you all for the comments... You comfort my heart. I will get back to everyone in a day or two. I have been really busy.
The color of that rose is gorgeous!!! Hope you have a restful night sweetie!!hughugs
Nita, your photography and subject matter is just GORGEOUS!! I just love roses.... Much love and hugs to you sweet friend, xxoo, Dawn
What a great idea! Now when you look out and see the rose, you'll have sweet memories of John returning home.....I love that you did this!
This rose is just gorgeous and your photography is an art in itself. I hope you are doing okay and remembering to give yourself some rest and catch your breath. I love you.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
Laurie: Thank you for the wonderful compliment on my photos. I have had a terrible headache all day. So I am going to get some rest tonight. I wanted to do more blogging but I am feeling to bad.
I did go read your story and was so moved by it.
You have been through so much dear heart..
I would never judge you. I try not to judge anyone, uinless they judge me.
What happened to you was not your fault.
You are loved, Nita
What brand camera do you have?
These pictures are so awesome! Clear and beautiful picture of the rose bush.
Thinking of you my friend
God Bless You
nita you photos are just lovely!
garden roses are just wonderful. tea roses are my favorites.
sending lots of love on your way dearheart <3
What a beautiful rose! The color is so pretty!
so beautiful with the raindrops still on the petals...it has been refreshed by God...just like He refreshes us with our tears...
beautiful.beautiful nita..... i would imagine it is painful but sweet.....these reminders of all that included john...and that you shared....i pray it brings comfort in time.
thinking of you always,
Beautiful picture.
Nita, the photo is absolutely beautiful. You really have a talent for photography.
Love, Colette xox
splendid.....I love the idea, so when you smell this rose and see it's beauty everyday, you'll be reminded of the sweetness and beauty of what you and your John had together and will have again one day.... sending you hug's and sweet thoughts......
Been loving all of your bird, roses, bubbles and other photos you have been taking recently! Good to see you doing good!
Thinking of you, dear one, and Elizabeth.
xo Rella
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