This is my page for January 1 . I will download the picture for today a little later.
This picture shows this woman's wounds on the outside of herself. Most of us hide our pain on the inside.. I almost didn't use this picture I made because it is so raw. But life isn't always perfect. I know people who cut themselves so they can feel alive. They describe it as, "Being able to feel something." I don't condone doing that. But I do understand it.
We can learn much from the pain we carry around. It can either help us or kill us. We have to choose. My challenge for myself this month is to grow further than I ever have.
I hope you get a chance to look at Misty's site she has done some incredible work. And the other participants work is amazing.
xoxo Nita
today's song, Name by the Goo Goo Dolls
1st video, 1st clip
i won't tell your name...
i accidently commented to myself, but was meant for you, nita. thank you for the comments. you have no idea, you are the very first one on my new and fresh blog! love, wanda
oh, i love your first page, thank you!
nita, thank you for your comments. you have no idea what that meant to me. you are the very first on my new blog! i love your sincerity and writings. i looove your first page, i really like your style. love, wanda
Thinking of you, Nita.
you are so very right, ALLOT of us hide our pain inside, I do, then the depression kicks in. I love what you wrote feels so real. I will stop by and check out her post. Love ya and hope you have a great week end, I have to work, but I will be stopping by to visit, and to check up on you!!
Nita, I'm glad you shared your raw picture. Thank you. I also ready the list of music you like on your profile, and we share so many!
I am struggling for an appropriate comment---I visit here often and am always so struck by your words and emotion. I'm also in awe of how you are holding on to Jesus as you are in such pain...you are such a beautiful soul
I love the phrase "dreaming your way out of sadness" and another way is art. ART WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE!go forth and continue to create! Happy to find you.
Nita, what a wonderful idea this is!!! Do you know how therapeutic this will be?! To put these feeling on paper, to sketch these emotions is so GOOD for your spirit! hugs and love to you sweet friend and I wish you a beautiful, happy, and healthy new year ~ xxoo, Dawn
Hello Nita. Thankyou for sharing your raw feeling. I hear you and honour your sharing.
One day I would like to see some pics of your shell mirrors.
hi there, I am very glad you were able to share this picture. I feel that is speaks of courage to face one's own fears, that it is full of hope and faith. :)
Happy New year! :) Thanks for sharing.
Hey! Maybe we will meet some day in Italy! I dream of New Mexico, Mexico, and Greece too!!! Happy New Year!!! and thanks for visiting me! Maybe I'll seeeeeeee YOU tomorrow! I was thinking I might take the week-end off! I never know what I'll do! tee hee I am sorry for your pain, love and prayers and sweet dreams
Hi Nita,
Thks for your lovely comments..I love your 1st jan journal page...it's what i am attempting to do for the embrace the face chalenge for Janas well...about growing I mean...I am feeling unhappy about growing older, and am wondering what it will be like to enbrace being an old woman, some would say I am one already, but I find I am not liking the thought..LOL...xx
Thankyou for visiting me too. I love this page .... it reminds me of Kveta Pacovska's art, which i love. I'll stop by again.
It's good to journal, it's a wonderful way to get your true feelings into perspective. Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments. I hope 2009 brings you comfort and peace.
You're so right, Nita. We have to choose. (HUGS)
Over the last few years I see more and more how the pains and imperfections are what makes us beautiful. It is through these "holes" that your light shines brightest. Thanks for choosing to shine.
Hello Nita, Your first day page is powerful in its rawness. It is so nice that you shared. I love your words with it. I look forward to watching your January.
A very 'real' page. Journaling is such a great way to work through these feelings. Thank you for commenting, what a great challenge.
Can not wait to see how you evolve in this new project , I think to that it will be a healing process for you.
I'm happy you didn't censor yourself. You are beautiful!
hey nita i really like your page. i hope you have fun with this challenge
amazing, nita....love it!
There have been times in my life when I have heard of such pain in others..when something was very wrong. I married a young, beautiful man like that. He loved me, more than anyone ever will again, but he was sad, and always hurting. I never understood it. We lived, struggled though two wars, had seven babies, fought, hated, loved and then one day it was over. But when he died we had come full circle and his inner conflict and pain seemed to have subsided. We didn't get to grow really OLD together, but we grew up together and 43 years is a long time, but I wanted forever. I think, if you pretend something long enough, that it can become real. Like happiness. I look for the good, not the sad or the bad. It works for me most of the time but everyone is different. When he died..I was bleeding to death but no one saw. I dragged half a body and soul around for years..but no one saw.
I am almost well now and am moving on. But most important..I KNOW he is truly happy now. He is waiting for me out there..
As a man thinkth? I wish you happiness and love.
I love this image. Melancholy and sad but still with a positive look to the future. It's exactly how I feel today. Can I use your page as my journal entry???
Vey well done my friend.
BIG Warm Hugs
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