We took off last Wednesday to perfect weather. My sister Jeannie drove us and we laughed and talked the whole trip while Elizabeth slept in the backseat.
It seems like since John passed Jeannie and I have gotten a lot closer. And that makes me happy. Everyone needs their family. Especially your sisters.

{This photo is of my son C.J. and the new baby boy Vance}
Vance is so beautiful ... He looks like his Daddy but his Mommy too.
I was so happy to be there to see him and Chloe.
While we were there we also toured the college Elizabeth will be going to this Fall. She will live 15 minutes from C.J and Tiffany. She is happy that she will be able to see the babies..
She still has medical tests that she has to go through. They have ruled out several things but still are not sure what is causing the enlarged spleen.

{ Elizabeth holding Vance}

{Tiffany holding Vance}

{Chloe on her swing set}
I was really sad after I came home. It started while we were there. I kept thinking how much John loved Chloe and how he would have loved seeing Vance. It just hurts not being able to talk to him. I miss that more than anything. He was so comforting. There is a lot going on right now and I am very overwhelmed. If we could find out what is going on with Elizabeth I would feel so relieved.
I write letters to John all the time. It probably sounds silly, but I do. Today I was so sad over him not being here that it took everything inside me to get up and move. Every changing of the Season affects me that way. It seems like he and I always had little traditions for each one. I don't belong to anyone now..That is hard. He was my person.
Bear with me..I am just hurting.
xoxo Nita
I'm happy you had athis trip/visit. It's very good that you are closer to your sister now.
I pray the doctors figure out Elizabeth's condition and do something about it.
Also, there's nothing silly at all about writing letters to John.
I talk to J. regularly. It was the anniversary of his death today.
Love to you.
C. xxooxxoo
But you do belong to others...you are a mom ,a grandmother, a sister, a daughter...and such special things can be wrapped up in each of those relationships. Your new little grandbaby is precious and Chloe is beautiful (love that name!) And by the way, I think you are beautiful just the way you are...no disclaimers needed. I hope they find out what is going on with Elizabeth soon.
Keeping you in thought and prayer ~
I'm so glad that you got to go visit your son and his sweet little family. The new baby is adorable and Chloe is beautiful. You have a precious family. I hope that the doctors find out what is wrong with Elizabeth soon. The song that you played was beautiful but so sad to me. I don't think there is anything wrong with you writing letters to John. I think that it will help you. Take care and know that there are a lot of people that are thinking about you and care about you. I never did get your address to mail your package. It is ready and waiting to be mailed out to you.
Lee Laurie
P.S. I think that you are a beautiful person inside and out.
I'm so sorry you're feeling overwhelmed, Nita. I hope they can find out about Elizabeth soon; waiting is hard.
Your grandbabies are so beautiful!
Take care, and God bless.
Hi Nita,
Your grandbabies are beautiful and so are you :) Keeping you and Elizabeth close in prayers.
Those grandbabies are so beautiful!!!
Your grandchildren are adorable! I see you in them...you are a beautiful person inside and out and you have passed that on to your children and now your grandchildren.
Praying that Elizabeth's condition will improve and that the docs will discover the cause.
You remain in my prayers as well - may you be comforted today.
You have a beautiful family. It isn't silly you writing letters. I have heard of doctors suggesting writing letters.....it helps with the healing process. It is so easy to get overwhelmed....I know you are a strong lady and with God and prayers it will get better.
You are in my thoughts and prayers,
Nita, I am so very glad you went to see the little ones. What a beautiful family!!! Vance looks like he is a big strong baby boy!!
Thanks for sharing your family photos.
Thinking of you as always,
What a BEAUTIFUL Family Sweetheart!! WoW!! They All seem to have your "beauty" gene!!
I SO wish I could walk over and have a coffee with you! We'd spend the Whole day just...Yapping!lolol...hang in there little love!!hughugs
You will hurt for a long, long time. It is the natural way of grieving and we all understand. When you feel like saying you hurt, then say you hurt! When you want to talk about John, talk about John. I am talking about Patrick..and yes, there may be someone who says something hurtful now and then. If that ever happens..ignore them and continue to be you. They are out there. THEY always will be.
You just be you and tell it like it is, Nita.
xoxo back attcha!
Your new grandbaby and your family are beautiful..as are you!!
Sweet Nita,
I am so sorry for your hurting right now. I am praying you through. And I think it is wonderful and healing to write letters to John. Nothing silly about it at all. Your family is just beautiful in these pictures (including you) and the grandkids are gorgeous. What a blessing they are. I hope you are healing physically and that answers are found for Elizabeth soon. She looks so sweet holding the baby.
Love and hugs, Laurie
You have a beautiful family, and those babies are just way too cute, and you know what girlfriend? I think your absolutely beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you, that you got to spend time with your sister, and your son and his wife, and you know sweetie, you do belong to someone..to Elizabeth, your grandchildren, your son & his wife, your sister, your parents, your friends, like me =) and most of all God! but I get what your saying....I love you and I'm so sorry your hurting right now, keeping you & your sweet Elizabeth in my prayers.
so happy that you and elizabeth were able to spend love and moments with your children and grandbabies......always fills the soul.....
hoping that your worries of elizabeth and her pain lessen soon, nita....watching a loved one go through that is so hard....hoping something opens up to help her soon!
beautiful grandbabies....and you!
Oh my gosh! What a beautiful family you have. Those little ones are adorable just like their grandma!
Elizabeth looks so happy and so pretty in this picture.
What a happy visit huh?
Congratulations on that wonderful baby boy! He is precious!
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