Something happened today that was shocking and totally awesome. I was washing dishes when I reached over for more dish liquid. Sitting on my black rock was a Monarch butterfly. This is a picture of it on my light over the sink. (excuse the dust on the lamp)
It was so shocking for me to see it because I have no idea how a Monarch butterfly got in my house. To me butterflies have always been a sign of hope, like Cardinals and rainbows.
I caught the butterfly and released it out the front door. My daughter captured the whole thing on my digital camera, which has a 60 second video feature.
There is a Native American legend that says, if you have a secret wish , capture a butterfly and whisper your wish in its ear. Release the butterfly, and it will carry your wish to the Great Spirit, where it will surely come true. I have to say I made a wish. ~Nita~
How amazing that the monarch decided to make a visit! Did you ask your daughter if she brought it inside? I remember once when my mom was out of town I captured a bazillion lighting bugs and let them go in the house! The baby sitter went nuts and asked how they got inside and I say "I don't know"! She believed me!
No, really that is very cool for sure and an amazing butterfly (a fave of mine for sure)! Love this nature post . . . thanks for the heads up!
Oh, that is so cool! Thank you for all of the kind words. Keep going with the journal and the goals!!
Hi, Nita. Just wanted to thank you for all your generous comments on my blog. How wonderful that there are little constant reminders of beauty, miracle and hope in your life.
I hope you don't mind, but I also read through your past entries and I can only share my sincerest sorrow for all the things you're going through right now.
Please know that sometimes, the really, really bad things happen because it makes the sun shine even brighter when it finally comes out.
I'm praying for you and your family's good health, joy, hope, peace and love. God bless you all.
Nina from the Philippines
P.S. I love the idea of a craft house. Hope you make it happen 'coz the world can never have enough places for art.
Your art work is so inspiring too. I envy you for having so many interest in all sorts of art media. Best of luck to you and your endeavors.
Nita, that is so cool about the butterfly...definitely a sign of good things to come!
I am so inspired by you and your 21-day journey. You did it! Even with everything going on in your life which would have made it very easy to quit, you kept with it and that is inspiring! Thank you so much for all of your inspiring words and encouragement throughout this journey...knowing that you all were out there cheering me on was a wonderful gift. Thank you!
What a beautiful story.
Monarch: My daughter is not much of a practical joker, she was blown away too. I think it is one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me. That is funny what you did with the fireflys. I was alot like that as a kid too. ~nita~
Patricia: Thanks. xo Nita
Nina: You are extraordinarily talented. I am so impressed with you. I am honored you went back and read my posts. xoxo Nita
Christi: You are another person whom I think is super talented. Thanksd for your encouragement too. I hope get better and better on my art. Some of my stuff I was a little dissapointed in, but I am trying to get better. I just want to be original. xoxo NITA
Susan: Thank you, I will e-mail you today. xoxox Nita
What a wonderful gift!!!
Dear Nita,
I have read the story about letting a butterfly go so it can take your wish to the Great Spirit.
A lovely gift, Monarch coming into your kitchen. A lovely reminder that all things are possible.
You stayed focused all the way through your 21 day challanged. As I followered you I was amazed at how you were able to keep on even with all of your concerns.
You are strong and inspire so many.
Perhaps everything is not wonderful but it is beautiful. You are beautiful.
the monarch butterfly has a special meaning in my family, when my husband was coaching my sons football team over the period of several years, sometimes before the game a monarch butterfly would fly around the field...they always took it as a sign of luck and ALWAYS won the game the days it appeared. That was over 12 years ago, but to this day when one appears, it's unspoken among us, we know we've been "touched" for something special that day.
Amazing, Nita. You are blessed by this visit. It's a sign...!
Nita! How amazing! God sends His love to you in many ways...xxoo, Dawn
Butterflies are such a wonderful sign confirming what you know deep inside; beautiful changes happen from within. How happy I am that you were able to enjoy this pretty gift. I read it and thought, Oh Nita, it is a whisper from God!
a special find for you....
Sherry: It was a gift from God, I really believe that. xo Nita
Donna: Thanks. xo Nita
Robin: That is really neat. I always feel that way too about Monarches. xo Nita
Mary: Thanks. xo Nita
Dawn: And you are one way He sends His love. xoxo Nita
Blondie: I felt the same way. love nita
Katherine: It was one of the neatest things that has ever happened to me. xo Nita
Oh I am just tickled that this gorgeous creature came to bring you such joy. And may your wish of all wishes be true.
xo Rella
Thank you Rella. love nita
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