In the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret place of His tent will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock.
This picture is from the chapel at John's hospital. I went in there one day just to think. I thought about how people survive things that happen to them. And I just thought, the only way we truly survive is the Power of God.
I talked to a Nun at the hospital yesterday. She wanted to ask me how the accident had affected my relationship with God. I told her I felt like it had made it stronger. I said we have the choice when life altering things happen to us to blame God, and turn from Him or we can embrace what has happened to us and get closer to God. I choose to get closer to God. ~nita~
Beautiful picture Nita.
Your God has made you stronger.
How is John doing anyway? How is the rehab going?
You are both still in my prayers every night.
Bless You my friend
i've been facing huge mountains in my life too. but i've chosen to hold on and stand on God's promises to me. in Hebrews 10:23 it says, "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for he who promised is faithful."
standing with you in prayer, nita.
Dear Nita, I to have gain strength through trials. If they come for no other reason but to make us stronger spiritually than we trust God to keep us through them. In turn we are able to offer support and true compassion for others who are facing like curcumstances. You are truly amazing to me, after all you have been through in your life , you remain true to your faith and to God. A true warrior !
God Bless you, and the family !
Blessings, Shelley
Excellent choice.
Patti: John is doing pretty good. I am getting ready to do a post on him today. I'll tell more than. He is still facing infection and a huge bedsore. xo Nita
Pia: I will pray for you in your trials as well. I love the scripture. xo Nita
Shelley: It is true, we do gain strenghth through trials, we will never grow unless we go through difficult things. Thank you. xo Nita
Keep your faith in God, Nita. It will give you the strength you need.
I hope John is well.
I was anxious to read what was new in your life while I was out of state and away from blogging. I'm back now.
I am so glad that you are finding people to talk to and comfort in your faith!
I am always thinking of you and your family.
And I'm sure God rejoices at your choice, Nita. God bless you and John and make your stronger in your faith with each passing day.
Amanda: Thanks. xo Nita
Mary: There is no other way for me. xo Nita
Amy: I hope you had a great trip. II'm getting ready to do a new post on John today. xo Nita
Susan: Thank you. I am glad I have God in my life it would be very empty without Him. xoxo Nita
I envy your strength, Nita!
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