I went to Wal-Mart last night with Elizabeth to get her a notebook for school, and when we pulled in all these blackbirds were covering the wires. It was a spectacular sight.
It just cheered me up so much. The more I looked at the photos the more I saw how the birds acted to one another. It was so interesting just looking at these photos . ~nita~
Hi Nita, how awesome that must of been to see so many birds gathered in one place. Kind'a reminds me of the old hitchcock movie "The Birds". Have you ever seen it? When I was little it was so scary to me. I wanted to tell you , you have a very handsome son and how proud you must be of him. Guess he took after his Mom, a strong person indeed ! Hope John is doing well and coming along in his rehab. GOD'S BLESSINGS TO YOUR FAMILY !
Thanks Shelley! I have seen the Birds. One of my favorite movies. I like scary movies, I can't help it. Hitchcock was a master at turning the ordinary into something terrifying. John is still fighting infection, but when I saw him a couple of days ago he seemed better that I have ever seen him since this happened. xoxo Nita
This just makes me smile. It's amazing to see this one turned that way and that way...like in conversation....and they all planned to meet at a certain time..I wonder who the Queen is?? Thanks for sharing....not scary to me at all...love, love it.
xo Rell ~Hugs to you and love surround you and John tonight
My kids and I love to see the birds like that. When they all start flying downward from the wires it looks like black rocks gracefully falling to the ground.
Love these pics! At this time of year the blackbirds start gathering in our yard; it is a sea o black and quite noisy! Love birdies.
Rella: Thanks, I thought the same exact thing! Like they all looked like they were in conversation. We call these the Blackbirds of Centralia, because we have soo many everywhere. But, it is awesome to me to see these birds gathered like this. Especially in such a public place. This extremely heavy man was trying to clap his hands to scare the birds off while I was trying to snap these photos. I narrowed my eyes looked at him like I will ripp those stubs off and shove them up your rear, he got big eyed and walked away. It was so funny. xoxo Nita
britecloud: I love that too. It looks so graceful, I love it when I am riding in the country and they do that in a field. It is just beautiful. xoxo Nita
Blondie: I love Blackbirds, I tend to like most birds others don't. Like the Starlings, do you know they eat the Japanese Beatles? xoxo nita
I too think of "The Birds" every time I see a bunch of birds gathered in one place. Sort of freaks me out.
Susan: I am laughing right now, I think that is hilarious. But, there is a Hitchcock movie that frightened me so bad I will never take a shower when I am home alone. I saw it when I was a kid, freaked me out, bad. So I know where you are coming from. xoxo Nita
It's always wild to see the birds in a flock so large, isn't it? I'm glad they cheered you up and I'm also glad to hear John is doing well.
Mary: It is neat to see so many birds in one place. John got his sport bed today! I asked his work comp nurse about it last week and she is a fast worker because she got it pronto. She is really nice. I also asked about the sulpha cream, and John is asking his Doctor about that. xoxo Nita
Bodega Bay...where "The Birds" was filmed is not to far from me...and I camped there once. I DID NOT enjoy it...seeing some of the places scared me...laughing...
Love how you framed those shots with the birds on the wires! Great job!
Katherine: That is too funny! I can't believe you camped there!! Did you want to scare yourself? silly... ha ha. I have watched some many scary movies I have scared myself many times over with stuff, Plus, I have a very active imagination. xoxo Nita
Mon@rch: Thank you. Glad you liked them. ~nita~
This so reminds me of Hitchcock's movie, The Birds...which is an all time fav of ours. We visited Bodega Bay where it was filmed.
Great photos, too!!!
Becky: Thanks, it was really something to see, all those birds in one place. xoxo Nita
Wow, that really is neat!
Anna: Thank You. xoxo Nita
We've got our own birds on the wire here in England, but they're not as impressive as these ones!
On my posting of Oct 12!
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