I always see self portrait challenges. I would like to ask everyone to do a self portrait this week in your kitchen. Leave me a comment if you would like to participate. I would like to do one a month, anyone interested? I will have a theme every month.
Today I went and saw John. We played checkers. He said he did not remember exactly how to play (lie, big lie) Three games later, after winning every single game. Him smiling ear to ear like he had just won the lottery. Me shaking my head at his blatant lie. It was fun, he did really good in therapy, and really great news, his bedsore is getting better!! He looked so good today. My Dad came with me and we ate lunch at Carl's Deli. Oh Man did they have great corned beef sandwiches. We brought John back one for his lunch, he loved it. I was thinking all day about an altered book I want to start. I have some really good ideas, I am starting my book tomorrow. Wish me luck, it will be my first one. I'll show you a few pages as I get them done. Thanks to everyone who has responded to the request for silent auction items. I will never forget you. Maybe someday I can help you. And thanks to everyone who has put my link on their site. I have received so much kindness from people on my blog that it helps me face my days. Thank you. xoxo Nita
If you have time listen to the top song, Big Country, this song has always made me feel such a wide range of emotions. It motivates me. I just love it. And there is a great song by the Motels at the bottom, Only the Lonely. And a song by Annie Lenox, love her, called No More I love You's, One of my favorites.
For everyone who participates in the monthly self portraits, there will be a prize for the most original portrait. Leave a comment and I will put your link on a new post for everyone to see your photo. xoxo Nita
I miss having you stop by..."how are you doing these days??"
My thoughts and prayers are always with you.
I would be interested in your self portrait idea. Do you want me to take the picture in my kitchen now? Then post it on my blog?
John looks great and I am so pleased to hear that his bed sore is healing! This is great news!!
Jeannene, I have stopped by in the last few days. I left a comment on your adorable little boys, and I will be back! Thank you for missing me. My thoughts and prayers are with you too. xoxo Nita
Patti: why yes, I do want you to take a picture of yourself right now and post it. John is doing better and thank you. Can you tell I am in rare form today? Thanks for participating Patti. xoxo Nita
I like the self portrait idea. Also, you've been tagged. See my blog, http://pinstripedpenguin.blogspot.com/ for details. it's the post labeled :I'm IT."
PS - You left lovely comments on my blog from the Rhonna Farrer 21 Challenge, so that's why I tagged you!
~rachel~ I am glad you like the idea. I would like to have a prize every month for the most original photo. I will check out the tag, it will be tommorow before I can write my post on it. xoxo Nita
I'm just so glad to hear that John's doing so much better! And you sound better too darlin'! I hope your aunt gets lots of treasures for trivia night and it's wildly successful. Hugs! Jill
Jill, thank you for your generosity! Carolyn called me this morning and told me you had e-mailed her. Thank you. I hope we get alot of things for the auction too. I do feel better, John is getting better and that really helps me. I am sending love your way today. xoxo Nita
Hi Nita
Thank you for stopping by my blog - my daughter Kate (the french nest) mentions you & your blog all the time :-} I am so glad that John received the card :-} That was very kind of you to let me know. I hope he is doing well. We keep you and your family in our thoughts & prayers.
I'll take that self portrait challenge...tomorrow. What a great idea! Glad to read that John is healing. Watch the mail. heeheehee
deb: i loved your site, you have so many interesting things on there. xoxo nita
Nathalie: I am glad you are doing the challenge! I'll be watching, I'm excited now. xoxo nita
ok Nita....I have a hard time with pictures of myself! I'm soooo critical it's terrible. I like th picture you posted. I'll have to take several and tweek the a little before I'm brave enough to post one!
Glad to hear it's a good day and you and John are both in good spirits!
Robin: I am so happy you are participating too. You will get a good photo, And I'm glad you liked mine, I was really self-conscious about posting it. Thank you. xoxo Nita
K, girl...(deep breath here) I'm in!! I take your challenge and am gonna get to taking that pic of me in my disaster of a in-the-process-of-renovation-kitchen!! lol It's a great idea and I also can't wait to see your altered book when you get it going :) Congrats BIG TIME on John's recovering from the nasty bedsore too. Praise the Lord!!
Nita, go to my blog and see something I posted about John. It is for you too. http://grannie-blog.blogspot.com/
Bethany: I am happy you are participating, can't wait to see your photo! Don't worry about your kitchen. Find a corner you like.Thanks for the comment on John. xoxoxo Nita
Bobbie: Thank you that was beautiful! xoxo Nita
Count me in on the photo thing!!!!!
I am so glad to hear you had a good day at John's. I am relieved to hear his bed sore is doing better.
I suck at checkers. I only win if I play against my 7 year old.
Tee hee.
I also like a good corned beef sandwich.
Amy: Yea! Happy you are in too! I really do suck at checkers too, I am better at Scrabble. He is doing so much better. His mood has been really good. xoxo Nita
I will try to do a self portrait in my kitchen??? I ain't promising, but, I will try.
I totally want to do the self portrait in my kitchen. Let me know the details and I'm IN!
Anne: I am happy you are participating. I left details on this project on your site. xoxo Nita
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I think the self portrait sounds intriguing. Hmmm I don't like my picture taken. I think I'd like to do
it. Pinkie Denise
Pinkie Denise: I hope you participate. I really enjoyed your site. xoxo Nita
I just read back into your blog to find out what happened to John. Your family has had more than your share of trials. You and John are added to our prayers. And I'm considering doing the self-portrait challenge. I want to see what I come up with first. I prefer being behind the camera, lol.
Julie: I hope you decide to participate. I prefer to be behimd the camera as well, but I have decided I am going to like me, whether I am a size 4 or bigger...ok much bigger. xoxox Nita
How cute are you!!!!
It's not really a self portrait... well maybe it is... anyway, I am on my blog today.
Hope all is going well with you.
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