Dena from, http://swaddlecottage.blogspot.com/ has awarded me with a You Make Me Smile Award, I am nominating the following ladies for their kindness to me. And I want to thank everyone else who has been there for me. ~nita~
I would like to nominate: Rella from, http://faerieluna.blogspot.com/
Shelley from, http://shelleysvintagevariety.blogspot.com/
Amy from, http://abundantcuriosities.blogspot.com/
Bethany from, http://lovefrommystudio.typepad.com/lovefrommystudio/
Sherry from, http://q-corner.blogspot.com
Thank you Dena for thinking of me.
Oh my dear lady...its you I should be nominating! You have brought a smile and been such an encouragement to me!
Thanks so much for putting a smile on my face this morning...Lord bless you as you go about your day :) I will send you an email later today after I do school xxoo
Dear Nita,
YOU, do bring smiles! Lots of them to many people.
Thank you for thinking of Corner.
Thank you for your graciousness.
Nita, I just wanted to stop by and say hello, how are you?? I've been thinking about yo and John. I hope you both are doing better.. You are still in my thoughts & prayers.
Hugs & love to you both! ~Mary~ :-}
PS you make me smile too!!!
Hi- sorry I've been MIA! I lost all my bookmarks, and then had a brain freeze... couldn't remember who I was missing! How's John?
Dear Nita, thank you so much for nominating me. You are such a blessing to me. You are a very special lady and I am proud to call you friend ! Sending God's Blessings your way !
Sweet Pea......I am without words, really. Through all your heartache and worry you have been MY inspiration. YOU make me smile each and every day.
xox Rella
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