
Friday, December 28, 2007


Let me ask you something. Have you ever devoted a whole day just to observe everything around you?

One day a week when I was in my 20's. I went about my usual activities, but I recorded certain parts of the day.

I would listen to the tape at the end of the day.

I would hear the laughter of us being silly. The sound of my kids playing, and fighting over one another's toys, that was very comical.

The sounds of everyday life. The washer washing, the radio, just the noise of life.

It was beautiful...I learned to appreciate my hearing more.
I took my kids outside one day and asked them to close their eyes and listen to all that was around them, and I did the same thing.

I said what do you hear?
C.J said, "I hear the train."
Austin said, " I hear a bird singing."
Elizabeth said, "I hear my stomach growling I'm hungry."

We laughed and laughed over that. But you know there were alot of times that the kids wanted to do that exercise when we were outside, and they learned to appreciate sounds very much.

Our lives are made up of intricate details that make the whole picture possible.
I have always tried to teach my kids to appreciate their hearing, their ability to see and taste and to appreciate life in general. And not to take those gifts for granted. Because they are gifts.

I hope tonight that you will see what gifts you have and rejoice.


Song tonight, House at Pooh Corner by Loggins and Messina
2nd clip


Donna said...

I have SO many gifts that have been given to me..children, grandchildren, friends and the ability to know love..give love. Tickleing the babies and hearing those unbelieveable peels of laughter, running out of the house in nasty weather and still being able to see nothing but sunshine...finding everything I need within myself. Then, giving it to anyone who needs it more than me. Believing, even when I can not see. Knowing there's people like you renews my faith..everyday. There is SO much I have to be grateful for. You've renewed my belief, and for that, I'll always be grateful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nita- I know as I have grown older, I have learned to appreciate many things. Being a nurse gives a lot of perspective- I'velearned to not sweat the small things.

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

donna: you just made me cry!
thank you dear heart, that is the most wonderful thing i think anyone has ever said to me.
i am just trying to count my blessings among the tears. When my life becomes difficult I try to be grateful even in the storms.
There are so many gifts that each person has. We have to be grateful or we become bitter.
have a great day. love nita<3

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

lee: I have learned not to sweat the small stuff either.
Anyone who is a nurse is definetly gifted from God. You have the chance to help people everyday. That is wonderful.
xoxo nita

Anonymous said...

Now I hear thuds from upstairs. The kids are awake and messing around. I hear the hum of the computer and the sigh of the hungry dog. The gerbils are munching on something.
From the inside I hear music.
Much love to you today,

Anonymous said...

How wonderful and I so agree that we need to keep children in tune to the sounds and sights all around us! That is one of the wonderful things about nature!

PixieDust said...

We do have gifts all around us... and it is our gift to ourself and to God to see them in our hearts and appreciate them in our souls... so blessed our we, yes?


~Red Tin Heart~ said...

amanda: those sounds will not always be there dear heart so hang in there. sometimes it is so hard raising a family. it can tax a person's nerves.
much love to you as well...
xoxo nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

mon@rch: thank you..
it is true the sounds of nature are some of the most beautiful sounds. xoxo nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

pixie: that is so wonderful the way you just phrased that. you see beauty in everything, don't you?
you have a beautiful heart. xoxo nita

Amy said...

Sounds are very important to me too. I like when you hear the world through a child's perspective. It is a real lesson.

Tangled Stitch said...

What a wonderful idea Nita! Hope you are feeling better! Happy New Year!

RedBessBonney said...

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Nita is something happening to your posts? I have just noticed that some of your posts that were on here arn't on here any more? Example yesturdays post is gone? Nita I hope that everything is ok with you and that John is doing better. I loved reading your post about when you went to visit John and the day after Christmas and he was having so much fun showing off his chair. I was happy to hear that someone had taken you to see him.
I haven't been on the computer much latley due to an accident my self but I am doing just fine and still praying for your self and John Daily.

Sandra Evertson said...

Happy New Year to you and yours!
Sandra Evertson

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Amy: That is true. It is important to see the world through a child's eyes. I am so happy to hear from you Dear Amy. I am still behind in visiting. I plan on getting caught up this week. xoxo Nita
Happy new Year!

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

lori: I am glad you liked the posts I had on. Sometimes I take them off after a day or two for different reasons.
Things are better with John. Except he is battling a little sadness over the holidays.
I am sorry to hear about your surgery. I hope you will heal very fast. xoxo nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

tangled stich: Happy new year to you too! I am feeling better, thank you.
I am glad you liked the idea.
xoxo nita

Red Bess Bonney: Susan, Happy New Year to you as well. I hope you have a blessed one. xoxo nita

~Red Tin Heart~ said...

Sandra: Happy New Year To you and yours as well! I need to take some pictures of my Mother's doll collection for you and post some of them. I think you would really like them.
She has quite a collection.
xoxo Nita

mens suits said...

That was a very nice thought.

About Me

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I love beauty, whether it is in nature, literature or art. And I love music... My day feels incomplete if I haven't had a chance to listen to some good music.. I also love beautiful souls, and kind hearts.


Copyright@ 2007- 2013 by Nita Barrow- Zimmerman
all rights reserved. Please do not use my original art, photos, or reprint my writing without asking me for permission. Thank You...

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