This is my dream porch, and my dream house. If you are going to dream why not dream big?
I love the red tin roof, and that the house is made from stone.
John loved stone for building material and the tin roof is right up his alley.
Rhondi has all the links for the porch party on her site. Please check it out. Hers will be the first link in my favorites. It is called Rose Colored Glasses. There are so many beautiful porches on this link...Some fantasy some real..
For everyone who is participating in the Photo Challenge tomorrow. The rules are...2-3 photos. The theme is keys. The only way I can figure out how to get your links on my site is leave a comment on my photos and then everyone can follow your link to your photos.
I'm sorry that blogger is still missing up.
The story of the haunted house is below...
Tonight's song, Sea of Love
1st video, 1st clip
Your "dream" house is spectacular!!! What a cosy little cottage! :) I also posted dream porches! xo!
wow! This is adorable...I would do nothing BUT dream if it were mine while snoozing the days away in total bliss!
xxxooo Ruth
I would lOVE this house.... this porch or even just a room here!!! i am with you... if ya gotta dream.. BIG is the only way to go!!
I see why you like this house and porch!!
Thanks for visiting.
ps. haunted house stories are my favorite.
That really is beautiful! You have a great dream! I love the stone and the red tin roof also, and also other touches like the curved railing and the little star in the peak of the porch.
Love the porch. I've lived in a house with a tin roof, and it can be quite noisy when it rains, but comforting in a strange sort of way.
Hi Nita!
I'm in love with your dream cottage, just as you are! Thanks for coming to my front porch party, it was fun and I so enjoyed your company!
I'm intrigued by the story you're writing. I'll sure be back to read more and to see more of your beautiful photos. You're great with a pen (or keyboard) AND a camera!
Hugs, Sherry
Oh! I love your dream house and porch also. I think it would look nice next to my dream timber home on my little brook. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm off now to take a peek at your ghost story. JoAnne
That is definitely a house and porch worthy of dreams. Thanks for sharing with us.
I love your dream house and porch. It could be mine too!
Your dream porch is beautiful! I would love a home like that too! Thank you so much for visiting me!
You have excellent taste! I love your dream house and porch!
May all your dreams come true!
Oh, man, that's a dream porch! I'm with you! Glad to have discovered your blog. This is fun.
I love stone too, and tin roofs... worry free materials that leave you lots of time to enjoy such a beautiful front porch!
I love it....I love porches, my dad lives in Oaklahoma and alot of the homes have porches, my dad's house done it go's all the way around the house, I lived in house growing up with a nice porch, and then one here, Amanda and I would sit out side and wierdo watch!! and the ten roof makes it look countryish, I love you dream home!!
Hug's and lot's of'em
Yes, you might as well dream big. I love porches! Watch for a huge manila envelope coming to you in the mail xoxoxo
Hello sweet Nita!
I LOVE your dream porch to!!! Dreams do come true, you know! Had a nice visit!
What a beautiful dream house! Remember, its ok to dream, its when you stop is when you have to worry! Thanks for sharing,
Love, Ann
Your dream house looks great, it is just beautiful.
Greetings from Northern Germany over the big pond
Ulrike from Küchenlatein
That is a lovely house indeed!
I can see why this is your dream porch, just beautiful! I love the red roof with the stone!
Blessings, Shirl
I love your dream porch and I so wish I had one with this house!
I visited 2 porches just now and I've got tears in my eyes...I need to regroup and see what's bringing on this release of emotion. I don't know if it's the love, the music, the beauty or what....
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