I found Jim one bright morning in my Marigolds. I had bought them from the green house the previous day.
He had decided to slip in one of the pots going to my house. He had never traveled much in his young life and decided it was about time he did.

When I happened upon him he was sound asleep but woke up and started sticking his head out to see if he had perhaps landed in a tropical location. He was hoping for Hawaii. He longed to surf and lay on the beach, preferably under some one's surf board.
But alas, he woke up just 10 miles from where he was born. In a very hot and miserable climate. He just about cried.

He put his little head very low to the ground and said a prayer.
"God, he began, Why am I here? It sucks here God!" He was more than a little angry but still trying hard to remain respectful. It was God after all. And he really didn't want to end up as Es Cargo. Shudder...
God spoke to Jim.
"Jim, sometimes you just got to bloom where your planted. And good things will come your way. I promise. You will get to travel someday. And you will be happy."

Well after that Jim felt good as gold. He actually felt like a million bucks. He started scoping out his layout. And decided on a spot for his home.

He began to look for a way down. And the ravine he faced, looked deep. Gasp and gulp..
But he had an epiphany.."The ravine looks like I can't cross it, but with God's help I can do anything. And he felt his heart get stronger.
Jim slowly began to maneuver his way across the ravine. And I won't kid you. It was tough for him. He inched his way across it ...

And after Jim made it to the ground he found a dark quiet place and set about making a home.
He cleaned and picked up his area and ate a meal. I won't tell you what he ate, it was pretty gross. But it tasted good to Jim.
Well Jim began to bloom. He looked for opportunities on the bleak days. He looked for ways to encourage others around him. And he was always there when his friends needed him.
I learned a lot from Jim.
photos and story by me
xoxo nita
tonight's song, Use Somebody by The King of Leon
the video is above my profile, further down the page
i hope you get a chance to listen to it
I love this song..
P.s happy father's day John..we love you.
Jim certainly has a lot to teach us, yes? Thank you for introducing me to Jim, watching him persevere was magical... just like you sweet Nita...
Love and big (((HUGS))) to you...
OMG! You have now made me think about even those slimmy snails have thoughts and feelings. I found myself rooting for Jim to have a happy life in new found home.
This was such a sweet little story with a special meaning.
What an excellent story!!
Oh, cute little Jim! I enjoyed your story. I can identify with him. You're a very creative writer!
I love Jim...Nita!! Send this story IN!!!! Go to Barnes & Nobel, grab a copy of Writers Market 2009 and start looking for somewhere to submit your stories!!!!!! GirlChild!!!Hahaa...Grrrrr....!!!hughughugs
Lovely, lovely story, Nita. Photos too.
Very cute...thanks for the smile!
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