I went and saw John yesterday at the rehabilitation center. He was doing really good. He was tired because they have had him in therapy for several hours per day. He is making progress on his recovery. They are all surprised at his strength. He called this evening and told me he had gotten 4 more cards in the mail, he was so excited. He has his whole wall covered in them. He said he looks forward to the mail everyday. I want to thank all of you who have sent cards. It really has made a difference to him. ~nita~
Hi Nita, Sounds like things are getting a little easier for you and your getting stronger. I am glad John is so blessed by all his cards. I just read a book by Joni Erickson Tada called "Heaven My Real Home". Are you familer with her ? She is a great woman of God, has a wonderful ministry and is an advocate for people with disabilities. She has been confined to a wheelchair for the last thirty years or more, of her life. This book blessed me so much and I think you and John would be blessed by reading it as well. If you like I could send it to you. Just let me know ! I went to the funeral of a dear sweet cousin today. She died in her sleep last tuesday night. She was just 55 yrs old a beautiful person, inside and out. So thankful she was a born again Christian and now she is safe in the arms of God !
God bless you and yours, Shelley
Dear Shelley, I am so sorry you lost your cousin. I am happy she was a Christian too. John would love to read the book, he is looking for information on how to deal with his disability. His address is at the bottom of the page or on the next page. Thank you so much. I am getting stronger with the help of God. love nita
i hope its ok that my kids are also sending him some mail!
I'm so happy he's doing well. He needs to keep busy and also keep his chin up. I know therapy is very hard work! I watched my Dad struggle with it. But the rewards are great!
Dear Nita,
"Hi" to John for me. He looks good!
I lit a candle for John and you.
Always you are in the light.
(I do see the light of God in you two!)
i'm so glad that john is recovering quite fast. God is good.
John is looking good.
I can't find the addy for sending John a card...?
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