John is doing better than the doctors ever thought he would do. This picture is from day before yesterday. John is being taught how to sit up by himself using his arms. It is still really hard for him to do, but look, here he is doing it!! You can tell he is concentrating really hard.
I went again today to see him and he was so happy I was there. He made me sit by him while he was getting therapy. I never got to see him on National Pirate day yesterday, so I told him a pirate joke and made him go grrrr. He laughed. One bad thing I found out day before yesterday was that John will not be coming home in 4 weeks. He will be going to another Rehab closer to home for 6 months minimum. The doctors say he has so much to re-learn that he won't be able to do that at home. But, one good thing comes out of this, I will be able to drive to see him, because it is closer to home. We didn't know coming home meant going to a rehab closer to home. John was really sad , as was I , but we talked for a long time and he realizes it will be better to learn how to take care of himself before he comes home. I am asking that everyone keep praying for John not to get discouraged. Knowing him he will work hard and get out early. Love to all who have prayed and sent cards. love nita
Sweet Bethany from http://lovefrommystudio.typepad.com/love_from_my_studio
sent me an e-mail last night that really has touched my life. Her 10 year old son prays for John every night. That means more to me than all the money in the world. I told John about it today. Bethany, John told me to tell your son that he believes that his prayers have helped him heal faster .
I have had e-mails asking for John's address at the Rehab. I am sorry I should have kept it posted on the front page, from now on I will . So for anyone who wants to send John a card here it is:
SSM Rehab
c/o John Zimmerman
room 137
6420 Clayton Road
St. Louis, Mo.
Nita, Your husband is a model of inspiration! Seeing him work so hard to sit up (and DOING it!) gives me no room to complain about the menial tasks I have to do today (unload the dishwasher, fold laundry, etc.) Thanks for keep us "posted" (pun intended heehee) on his progress.
Nathalie, thank you. He is an inspiration to me. He is fighting so hard to overcome. You are a sweet person. xoxo Nita
Oh, I'm so glad he's doing well. He'll be closer to home and you can watch his therapy more often and learn from it. John is young and will relearn everything quickly. His type of rehab is very difficult but I can tell he is trying!
wow- how awesome! I know 6 months seems like a long time, but it is very important for him to go. Tel him we're all proud of him!
Lee: You are right it is important for him to go. He received a card from you yesterday. Thank you. xoxo Nita
Nita, I just stopped in to see how your hubby John is doing.. You all still in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for posting about John. God bless all of you! What a dear sweet guy he is.. Please tell him he has lots of fans out here pulling for him. You take care! ~Mary~ :-}
How you have sent the crys of Hallelujah in our house today!! I am sorry to say I haven't been able to check back for a bit but am sooo touched, blessed and joyful to see the miracle of john sitting up!!!! YAY! How awesome a sight for our eyes to behold. Yes, that road ahead is long but one step and victory at a time he and you will make it through. Love to you all xo
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