Because beneath the color we are the same. My Mother is 1/2 Cherokee, and I have nieces and nephews that are bi-racial. But the beautiful thing is that God made us each so unique. If we can just look beyond the color of one anothers's skin and see inside the heart of our brothers and sisters we will be accomplishing so very much. We are the pieces of each other's puzzle. ~nita~
Dear Nita,
We are all one. We are connected.
Diversity is the beauty, it is what is healthy.
Respect for one another will bring peace and wholeness. It is what is holy.
My first true love was Cherokee Indian
What great people they are
He was killed in a freak accident in 1983
Predudice is unnecessary since we are all are the same but different
God Bless You
I love that Nita - we are all pieces of each others puzzle! Great one.
I have nieces and nephews that are half black and my kids call their cousins "chocolate cousins". They love their chocolate cousins to bits!!!
Dear Nita, thank you so much for your post. I totally agree with you ! I have grandchildren who are bi-racial. This still isn't so easily excepted in the south but I don't let the feeble thoughts of the close minded steal my joy ! This very thought has been pondering in my mind this past week about how different we all are yet the same. We are all so precious in the sight of God ! I also have a grandson , 10 months, who is half hispanic. I count it a blessing to explore other cultures within our own family. I don't think our children even see color anymore . They just see the heart as you say and love one another deeply.
Have a blessed Lord's Day ! Shelley
Love your page! We are ALL connected! Great job with the challenge!
well said!! this is so true! all in all we are all brothers and sisters of a Heavenly Father. thank you for reminding the world!!
Wonderful journal page. I really like this quote, don't you? I said a prayer for John yesterday and will do today also!
I love that quote. Beautiful work, Nita. Oh, and my great grandmother was Cherokee. Good blood. Praying for you and John today.
Susan: I came up with that quote last night while doing my piece for day 8. I thought how we are all a part of each other and the words just tumbled into my mind. xo Nita
Jeanne: Thank you for praying for John. xo Nita
Connie: I agree, we are all brothers and sisters in Gods's Eyes. xo Nita
Renee: Thank you.xo Nita
Shelley: I try not to let people get me down with their small minds either. God dosen't love one color more than the other. xoxo Nita
Amy: I love your sense of humor, you are so funny. xoxo Nita
Jill: I am glad you liked that, I have to say the quote was God inspired, I wouldn't come up with that on my own. xoxo Nita
Patti: I agree, prejudice is unnecessary. xo Nita
Sherry: I wish every person could respect all other colors and races of people. I love the song , Let There Be Peace On Earth and Let It Begin With Me. xoxo Nita
Beautiful message, Nita. Thanks.
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