Today's challenge quote was :
" Love cannot survive if you just give it scraps of yourself, scraps of your time, scraps of your thoughts."
by Mary O' hara
But, I also think love cannot survive either if we do not have our own identity. Because way to often I have seen women completely lose their identify when they get married. Poof! They become a carbon copy of their spouse. We have to have time to actively pursue our own dreams. Because, if we still can be an individual we will be better wives, and better mothers and better friends.
~ Nita~
Nita, I have just spent the last little bit catching up on your blog. What an inspiration you are...I love your life-attitude. You are always looking for the good in any situation and that is so inspiring. I love what you are doing with your journal and continue to pray for both you and John. smiles...
Wow- so true. We forget who we are. I am trying not to be caught up in that, but it is hard with a 4 yo and 18 mo. old.
Nita, your pages are so pretty I think they ought to be put into a published book when you get all of them done! Along with your writings about them. Great stuff.
Hugs, Jill
Christi: Thank you so much, that means alot to me . I do get very down at times, but I try to stay positive. Thanks. xo Nita
Lee: It is hard when our kids are little, and I would never say make your kids last or your husband, because family is the most important thing to me. Just leave a little room everyday in your life to work on a dream you have always had. xoxo Nita
Jill: Thank you !! I would love to do that, just got to find a publisher with the same idea. xoxo Nita
Amen! Beautiful art and a beautiful post. Thanks for the reminder. It's okay to be an individual. Actually necessary to sustain a healthy marriage/ family (if I am happy pursuing my interests, my happiness spills over onto my husband and kids). It's hard to be loving when your well is dry. :)
HA! My husband and I are no way near carbon copies of each other. After 32 years, we have grown into two different people - independent and much wiser. And still together. No wishy-washy men or women in my family! LOL!
Good message, beautiful art.
How very well said Nita. You are such a dear woman and a true inspiration.
Hugs to you,
Dear Nita,
At the end of every day it is my face in the mirror I see. I am my own best friend. Sometimes life is difficult but when I can give me a hug and me a smile and know I did the best I could do for the day, than I sleep well.
Giving love to myself and honoring who I am means I can love others fully and honor them. I give me all the time I need to be my best self.
Your journal is so beautiful.
Just like you.
With grace,
Sherry: Thank you. I am happy you like my journal. It has been a really bad day for me and I needed to hear these kind words. xoxo Nita
Nathalie: So true, it is hard to love and nourish when our love tank is low. xoxo Nita
Mary: you definetly remind me of a strong independent woman, and if I am going to a fight I'm bringing you along!! You could probably whip bear with a stick. LOL xoxo Nita
Susan: Thank you. xoxo Nita
Dena : Thank you sweetie, I appreciate those words. xoxo Nita
So true, and your art is beautiful!
How very true my friend.
Now if everyone would follow this there would not be so much divorce and separation in the world of couples.
Kate: I have been wondering how you are doing. I have checked in on you several times. I did the middle name game but it is on older posts. Thank you for the compliment! xoxo Nita
Patti: I agree. xoxo Nita
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