This is a collage I put together yesterday. I took these photos with Elizabeth's camera over the course of the last 2 months.
I took photos of the Amaryllis blooming at different stages.
There are photos of my squirrels eating. Sweet fat squirrels who are dearly loved for their antics.
Of roses I am drying out from John's funeral, that I will put in a shadow box frame.
There is a broken golden barrette on the ground with the sun glowing on it.
There are 2 stones together that act as a stop for my gate. They have colorful streamers from New Years Eve wrapped around around them. I can't bear to pick them up because when the sun shines on them they send sparkles up everywhere..
There is a single leaf in melting snow.
A jar of amber beads that hang by my porch to attract faeries...
One bright red Cardinal to sing me me songs while he eats.
These are pieces of my life, of who I am.
Tonight's song, Love Song by Sara Bareilles
This song reminds me of an altered art book. It is so wonderful, I just love the song and the video. If you have time please listen to it..
It is the second video, click on 1st clip
Nita, they are beautiful. I do truly hope to someday meet you. I often think of you and Elizabeth throughout the day. Your post about her struggles reminded me so much of Nik. Girls need their daddies. I don't know if you remember, or how many roses you have left, but there is a website called keepsakerosaries.com that turns flower petals into beads, and then into chaplet rosaries or just bracelets and other items. It takes about 4 flowers and about 3 months, but it was beautifully done. Nik's best friend had them made for the three of us. I hope you are well this evening. Much love to you.
Laura: That is so neat that they turn them into rosaries! I got the idea about drying his roses out from a picture I purchased recently. It is dried roses and babies breath. I got it a few days after John passed.
And I wanted to do something special with his flowers. They are drying beautifully. I am looking for a beautiful shadow box to put them in now. That is my new quest.
Elizabeth has taken her Dad's death very badly, and you are right girls do need their Daddies.
She cries alot..
I too, think of you and your kids often. I am sending love to you this evening.
Love nita
What a fun idea to put out a jar of amber beads to attract the Faries!! I'll try it! Loved your collage...and lots of love to you!!
Nita, we did a memory garden for my Dad. I went and bought those square cement blocks for a couple of dollars and had all the great-grandchildren decorate them what fun they had, some did mosaics some painted then we placed them all together with flowers planted around them. If you would like I could send some pictures of them to you.
beautiful collage, nita.....you see the beauty in the small things! i think of you and elizabeth daily also....praying that you are finding comfort...in the small things.
Donna: Glad you loved my collage!
You can take your photo card to CVS or Walgreens and put it in the photo machines and make the collage that way. That is what I did.
I want to make more..
The fairy jar works..LoL
Have a good day Donna and sending you love.
xoxo nita
Anonymous: Do you have a site that I could look at them? xoxo nita
Kimberly: I know God is helping me do that, find the beauty in the small things. I have a good friend who is making me go to church with her too. I had been out for awhile because I always tried to visit John on weeek-ends.
But going back to church has made a great difference. It has helped me cope with my grief better.
Love Nita
Hi sweetie..
i left something for you
on my Pink Blog..
fondly, deena
Your collage is just beautiful, Nita. It's so wonderful to see beauty in the simple, everyday things. I continue to pray for you and Elizabeth....We love that Barefood Contessa book that you just got. We have almost all of them now and her recipes are simple but oh so delicious. I'm so glad that you treated yourself to it. xxoo, Dawn
What a neat idea to take photo's of the Amarilis in stages of opening. The college is beautiful. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Beautiful, Nita. God Bless!!!
oh, just thought to let you know i sowed my seeds today.
Nita, I love this collage. Every photo is picked and placed so well, you have such a talent with this type of thing it is amazing. I kept a rose from my brother's passing in a special glass box that he gave me. It comforts me to see it there. I love the idea of a rosary if you are catholic or even if not. Elizabeth is young and it is hard for her. You too, but as time goes by you both will heal.
Love the pictures Nita, especially the fat little squirrels - I tend to have a soft spot for little critters. The collage is a cute idea and such a nice way to share bits and pieces of you ~
I hope your week has gone well
smiles to you ~
Nita, I love the pictures - you have such a poetic way of seeing life and it always touches my heart.
Deena: Thank you for the award. You are too kind. love nita
Dawn: Her recipes are really wonderful. It is neat that you like her too. Thanks for the compliment on the collage. love nita
Suze: I thought it would be neat to catch the different stages, glad you liked it. love nita
Jeannie: My Mom bought me some Marigold seeds a few days ago. They are one of my favorites. Good luck with the seedlings. love nita
P.S. Have you ever grown night blooming Jasmine?
Bobbie: That is a neat idea with the rose. I have a jar with a rose from my brother's funeral, my Grandma's and My Aunt. They are all together.
Thanks for the compliment on the collage. love nita
Joni: I do love the squirrels. They are so sweet. Hope your week was good too. love nita
Dena: You touch my life by your kindness. And thank you...
love nita
You have such an eye for beauty, and an ear too. I love the sound of the cardinals and squirrels. They bring life to the neverending winter.
Much love to you,
Amanda: Thank you... I have missed you. Have a good night. love nita
Nita, I am so sorry about your husband. I just read about it on another blog. I feel so sad that with all of my problems I never mailed that card to him. I did think about you often. I hope your memories will bring comfort to you and your Elizabeth. Bless you both!
She Sew Pretty: No worries. I understand completly. Everyone has troubles and pain. I hope things get better with you and yours. love nita
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