{Please click on them for a better view.}
You see the shack at the top? I found it in the woods several miles away from my house.
My heart skips a beat every time I see it. I want to go and open the door to this little house and find out its secrets. I want to find a small box under a loose floorboard full of love letters belonging to its previous owner. I want to find remnants of a life I never knew. Maybe a picture in a heart shaped frame, sitting on the small end table with a tea cup that was left behind, stained from rose tea.. The end table would sit next to an empty iron bed that used to be a shelter for the two lovers.
It would be a great little hide out from the world for a while.
I would go there and read my books and think and write.
These 3 Mourning Doves were outside my window on a low branch this afternoon cooing. Did you know Mourning Doves are a symbol of enduring love? If you click on the picture of these Doves the first two look like ghost birds... Surreal isn't it?
These 3 Mourning Doves were outside my window on a low branch this afternoon cooing. Did you know Mourning Doves are a symbol of enduring love? If you click on the picture of these Doves the first two look like ghost birds... Surreal isn't it?
I got the hawk out in the country, but my camera wouldn't come on soon enough and I barely got a picture of it. But the clouds were majestic today rolling across the sky.

Trees fascinate me. They are all so different. I love the broken one.
And the dark tree in the field has always been my favorite tree since I was a little girl.
I have always stopped just to look at it, and to admire its strength. It had a huge limb that broke off of it last year that marred its beauty... But in the Summer its leaves cover its brokenness. The brokenness is still there just hidden. It is still beautiful to me.

Tonight's song is The Sweetest Girl By Wyclef Jean . He also has several other talented singers who join him in this song.
I love this song. It makes me think..
The words of this song say alot and so does the video..
It is the 1st video and the 2nd song
I will have pictures of the jewelry I am making by Monday.
I want to leave everyone with a parting thought from Sue Monk Kidd's new book, FirstLight Early Inspirational Writings
She writes in this passage, Discovering our personal stories is a spiritual quest. Without such stories we cannot be fully human, for without them we unable to articulate or even understand our deepest experiences.
~ Nita~
I love trees, too. At one time I used to paint them a lot. And I do share your feelings about the little cabin!
But best of all, three mourning doves...what a wonderful sign for you that everything will be alright. (One for you, one for Elizabeth, and an extra one!) I had a mourning dove come and sit on my balcony for a few minutes during a time of hurt and sorrow, and I was mezmerized and grateful; they are such a wonderful sign of peace.
Much love, Colette
Colette: I thought the three Mourning Doves were a good sign too.
That is really neat that you had a Mourning Dove comfort you in your time of sorrow.
xoxo Nita
Dear Nita, It is Joanne again. I was looking forward to going on your blog again tonight to read more of your life. Once again I must say I was drawn and have told my son several times so far that I would get off in a few minutes but I felt the need to read more. I started at the beginning. What an kind and deeply interesting person you are. Continue your writings and photographs. You inspire people through your thoughts, your joys and your sorrows. I will pray for peace in your life and healing in your heart as the days pass. Soon summer will be here, and maybe you can plant a garden in Johns honor. Love Joanne
Joanne: I am very honored that you would go to the beginning to read my blog.
Thank you for the compliments.. I will plant the memory garden for John. I have been making plans.
I am really looking forward to planting it for him. I have been collecting seeds, little yard ornaments. And I am finishinhg collecting objects to finally make the faerie house that I have wanted to make for so long.
I am going to put it in a special place of honor.
John loved the idea of the faerie house.
He said, " Only you would make a house for a faerie!"
And he laughed.
Thank you dear Joanne for your comments..
xoxo nita
I love the shack and your idea of it being a hide away. I love old shacks and old barns.
The doves are just beautiful and the trees are so pretty against the clouds. What a picture this made.
Thinking of you tonight.
God BLess you and Elizabeth
what a beautiful day you had! from the intriguing little house to the mourning doves and the haunting trees...God will give you peace in time...
Well gosh Nita, I am 53 and have always thought they were "Morning" doves. A real big DUH here. I have had as many as 8 at a time on my deck around my bird feeders. I love their cooing sound and I swear sometimes they are looking in my back door trying to tell me something! They come every day LOL
Great pictures, love the shack and I got that thing with trees too!
Glad you are having a peaceful day...
I love the old house and the hawk in flight!! There're all beautiful but those two Really get me!! Love 'ya Babydoll!!!hughugs
I love old houses. They hold mystery and longing. I love the idea of finding remenants of the past. I watch from time to time a show called "If Walls Could Talk" It's about that subject. I love doves very much. They are precious and their cooing gives me such a sense of peace. I'm glad they found you!
Loves and Hugs
Hi Nita
Those are some lovely pictures you took, nature is beautifull. I think walking and being outdoors makes us feel fresh as everything from the green grass to the trees is all clean and green
nita....love the walk you took me on this morning.....and beautiful words to listen to also.
hope you have a peaceful sunday,
Nita, wonderful post and love hearing about your birds that you found! I also loved seeing all of your photos that you captured! Bravo!
Hi Nita,
I love the little shack! I once went into an abandoned house in the country, found an old Iron bed up in the attic with tattered quilts...so neat, but a little creepy too! I love the mourning doves....they mate for life I think..and return to the same place every year...
Patti: I love old shacks and barns too. I went for another drive today and got out of my car did a little exploring. I got some more neat pictures but I will do those after my post on the jewelry.
I am so glad you liked the doves..and the trees.
Hope you have a good night dear heart.
love you, nita
Mimi: I believe God will give me peace, He has in little bits and pieces. I feel like creating has been a wonderful outlet for my soul.
If you click on the house and look really close you can make out a shadow that looks like a face peering out of the window. Elizabeth noticed it last night.
It freaked us out! But intrigued us too. xoxo Nita
Debbie: Maybe they are trying to tell you something. LoL
I think everyone has thought they were called "Morning Doves" at one time.
I am happy you loved the shack.
Have a great week. xoxo nita
Donna: The old house is really something special. I wish I could fix it up. It was a beautiful day yesterday. Hope you have a great week. And sending love your way. xoxo nita
Vickie: I watch that show too. It is funny because they always find these wonderful objects. I think people want others to find pieces of them in the future.
Something tangible to show they exisited. Some object or letter or book to show a little bit of who they were.
Have a good week. xoxo Nita
Dominique: I think being outside makes me happier than anything.
Just getting out going for a walk can lift my spirits so much.
Have a great week. xoxo Nita
Kimberly: I did have a peaceful Sunday. It was really nice. Mom and Dad took us out for corned beeef and cabbage at Crackel Barral. That was John's favorite. I thought of him through the whole meal.
I'm glad you liked the photos and words. Hope you have a great week. xoxo nita
Mon@rch: Thank you. It was a great day. I found alot of neat things yesterday.
I found several vultures today and got a few pictures but I really need a camera with a better zoom.
Robin: Little shacks in the country usually are a little creepy. That is so cool that you found an iron bed and quilts!
I love things like that. After I started writing about the loose floorboard and love letters I wanted to write more. I am thinking about writing a story about the shack.
Hope you have a great week. love nita
Nita- how lovely to be greeted by these Mourning Doves. Your photo journal is a delight and what fun it would be to explore this old shack.
I am a tree and bird lover myself. I have always had a fascination of trees and more recently fallen in love with the birds as we have so many different kinds that visit our yard.
This passage from Sue Monk Kidd is so true.
I hope that these reflective moments bring you peace and comfort.
Looking forward to seeing your jewelry!
Peace, love and comfort.
xox Andrea
Nita, I love this post. I have always been intrigued by old buildings that stand empty waiting to be explored and their secrets discovered...but do be careful if you so choose to do so. I also love photos of trees, especially black and whites and I am going to check out that new book by Sue Monk Kidd, she is one of my favorite authors and I haven't read her work in a while.
Have a good week ~
My husband's favorite thing was the sound of the wind through the leaves of a tree... In fact it almost hurt worse when the fall came and took the last leaves that lived in his lifetime away.
Thinking of you...
Your pictures are just beautiful. I love the doves, and the old shack too...but even more if your writing about these things. You appreciate life so much, and are an inspiration to those who read your blog.
PS: Did my package arrive for Elizabeth?
Andrea: Bird watching has been a love of mine for many years. Thank you for the compliment on the photos!
I have been brought peace in many ways. I feel like many of those people, like you, have brought a measure of peace to my life through your willingness to leave comments to soothe my troubled soul.
love nita
Joni: Thank you! I have another picture of an old railroad building I am going to post this week. I took it yesterday.
I will be careful when I go out in the woods to explore. I always take friends.
I love Sue Monk Kidd too. This new book of hers is so good..
I am getting ready to start a book club that will start meeting at my house in about 3 weeks. I wished you lived closer you could come to it. love Nita
laura: I cried when one of my flip flops broke yesterday because I wore them the last Summer John was home.
Life is so hard without them isn't it?
Thinking of you too friend.
love nita
Rose: Elizabeth has not received your package yet.
Thank you for the wonderful compliments! You are very kind. I try very hard to appreciate life, because it is so short...
It seems like we are here just for a moment.
Love Nita
I am writing this a second time since I seem to be having a problem with my password. It seems I have to reset it everytime I go on. Not sure why. Maybe it is my short term memory. I know you love Country music but I think you would agree with me that the song I am asking you to check out is quite pretty and sounds like the way you feel about John. It is called "Your my Everything". I believe the group is Santa Esmirelda. Also, are you planning on putting forget me nots into Johns garden? I hope you had a peaceful day. Love Joanne
Hi, I just went to search the song I was telling you about. It is called Your my every thing by santa esmarelda. It is a cute little love song from the 80's. I also think you would connect greatly to Josh Grobin "where you are". It was exactly how I felt after my mom passed away. I just downloaded a bunch of songs that remind me of her. She loved Amazing Grace. LeAnne Rymes version is unbelievable and I feel better and more soulful than any version I have ever heard. I,m sure you have heard both the Josh Grobin song and LeAnne's Amazing Grace. I just wanted to share my connection. Joanne
WOW I love how you describe your photograph...
The pic of the shack would be the perfect setting for a novel of some kind!!!
You describe the possibilities of this shack so perfectly - how absolutely magical to have encountered it!!
trees... *sigh...
my best friends when I was child... they still are...
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